Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) Application: Better Understanding Synthetic Nanoparticle Systems


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00:00:00 Welcome
00:01:07 Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) Application: Better Understanding Synthetic Nanoparticle Systems
00:01:41 Topics
00:02:32 Particles are Visualized, not imaged
00:02:32 Optical Arrangement for NanoSight Instruments
00:03:12 Sizing: Stokes-Einstein
00:03:12 Particles are Counted by Number
00:04:39 Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
00:05:23 NTA Specifications: Size and Concentration Limits
00:07:17 Determining effect of Mg and Mn buffers on Insulin Receptor (IR) and Liposome Aggregation
00:07:46 Determining effect of Mg and Mn buffers on Insulin Receptor (IR) and Liposome aggregation
00:08:37 Determining effect of Mg and Mn buffers on Insulin Receptor (IR) and Liposome aggregation
00:09:49 Determining effect of Mg and Mn buffers on Insulin Receptor (IR) and Liposome aggregation
00:10:37 Slide14(3)
00:10:37 Slide15(2)
00:10:37 Slide16(2)
00:10:37 Liposomes in Mg buffer – Stabilized Size
00:10:37 Insulin Receptor and Liposomes in Mg buffer – Stabilized Size
00:10:37 Effect of Iron-oxide Loading of a Polymer Nanoparticle System on Magnetic Separation and Therapeutic Delivery
00:11:19 A Carbon Nanotube-polymer Composite for T-Cell Therapy
00:11:44 A Carbon Nanotube-polymer Composite for T-Cell Therapy
00:12:12 A Carbon Nanotube-polymer Composite for T-Cell Therapy
00:14:03 Can Determine Efficiency in Magnetic Seperation Based on Loading of Iron-oxide
00:15:23 Other Examples of Synthetic Nanoparticle Systems
00:15:31 Sequential Polymer Nanoparticle Processing
00:15:31 Liposomes
00:17:50 Metal-oxide loaded polymer nanoparticles
00:18:36 Metal-oxide loaded polymer nanoparticles
00:19:18 Thank you for your attentionAny questions?
00:51:23 Contact Information
This webinar introduces the Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) technique and how it affords useful information in various synthetic nanoparticle systems. We will discuss how NTA was used to measure the effects of certain buffers on the aggregation of liposome-insulin receptor complexes. The characterization of iron-oxide loaded polymer nanoparticles are also shown. Finally, we will briefly demonstrate how NTA can characterize other synthetic nanoparticle systems.