Spotlight on lipid nanoparticles at the Applied Biophysics Forum in Drug Delivery 2024

Artists impression of a lipid nanoparticle superimposed over an image of Nyhavn port, Copenhagen

I recently had the pleasure of attending Malvern Panalytical’s second annual Applied Biophysics Forum in Drug Delivery, held on the 27th and 28th of May, 2024, in the beautiful city of Copenhagen.

This event brought together over 100 attendees, including academics and industry experts, all eager to discuss and collaborate on the increasingly popular topic of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and the non-viral delivery of mRNA. The event was filled of presentations, networking opportunities, and collaborative discussions, all within a friendly and welcoming environment.

A warm welcome at the University of Copenhagen

The forum was hosted by the University of Copenhagen, providing an ideal setting for the event. Attendees were treated to lunch before gathering in the lecture hall to begin the presentations. Special thanks go to Camilla Foged from the Department of Pharmacy in University of Copenhagen for securing the venue and helping to organize the event with Natalia Markova from Malvern Panalytical, and a committee of scientists from academic and industrial backgrounds.

Full lecture theatre at the University of Copenhagen, attending the Applied Biophysics Forum in Drug Delivery (2024),

Focus on non-viral delivery of mRNA

The heart of the forum was the presentations. There were 18 speakers, drawn from a wide range of backgrounds, including esteemed academics, scientists from global pharmaceutical companies and the founders of biotech start-ups. Quite a mix!

A highlight for me was the wide range of topics covered, from the fundamental science of lipid nanoparticle technology to practical applications, characterization techniques, and future directions, all with a focus on non-viral delivery of mRNA .

A recurring theme was that understanding the structure and composition of LNPs adds crucial detail to performance insights. Techniques such as dynamic light scattering (DLS) and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) were discussed for sizing, while methods like small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), and field flow fractionation (FFF) were highlighted for their roles in providing particle composition information, alongside differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). I was particularly fascinated by the ‘Emerging Technologies’ section, where speakers introduced new innovative characterization methods that are gaining prominence.

Each session was concluded with a speaker panel. Involving the entire lineup of presenters and most of the audience, these sessions really helped to create a collaborative environment by fostering in-depth conversations. It was great to see speakers and attendees engaged in lively discussions, asking questions, and sharing insights.

A diverse group of lipid nanoparticle enthusiasts

Me with the Malvern Panalytical team at the event. (Left to right: Hanna Jankevics-Jones, Alexander Malm, Stephane Rouquette, Agatha Rosenthal, Natalia Markova, Pauline Carnell-Morris, Rosie Fatscher, David Bryce and Tomas Sandberg)

Posters and Networking

In addition to the presentations, the forum showcased an impressive array of 28 posters from researchers. These poster sessions provided a fantastic opportunity to delve deeper into specific studies and engage in one-on-one discussions with the researchers. It was inspiring to witness the passion and dedication each researcher brought to their work.

Attendees of the Applied Biophysics Forum in Drug Delivery putting their posters on display

A unique feature of the Applied Biophysics Forum was the incredibly friendly and collaborative atmosphere. Coffee breaks, lunches, networking sessions and the Monday evening buffet dinner were abuzz with conversations. I had the chance to connect with many brilliant minds and exchange ideas.

A Memorable Experience

Attending the Applied Biophysics Forum in Drug Delivery was an unforgettable experience. It offered the perfect mix of learning, networking, and personal growth, all set against the beautiful backdrop of Copenhagen. The event’s collaborative spirit and friendly atmosphere made it truly unique.

We’re already working on planning our 2025 event, which is heading for Germany. We’ll share more information with you as soon as we can – watch this space!