Announcing: Applied Biophysics Forum in Drug Delivery 2024 (lipid nanoparticles)

Lipid nanoparticle image superimposed on image of Copenhagen

Mark your calendars, our forum on advanced biophysical characterization of mRNA and other nucleotide therapeutics is back in 2024!  The Applied Biophysics Forum in Drug Delivery brings together innovators who are developing lipid nanoparticles for nucleic acid drug delivery. 

This year we’re heading to the beautiful city of Copenhagen on May 27– 28 where we’ll be rubbing shoulders and exchanging insights with scientists who are working in the field of lipid nanoparticle research, production and manufacturing. We have an exciting line-up of speakers spanning academia, big pharma, and biotech start-ups and we’d love for you to join us.  

Why Attend The Applied Biophysics Forum In Drug Delivery?

In this annual workshop you will gain new insights, explore advanced biophysical methods and network with scientific experts and key stakeholders from industry, academia and regulatory backgrounds. So, why attend?

  • Learn about non-viral delivery systems for nucleic acids
  • Review physicochemical attributes relevant to structure, stability, quality and their relevance to safety and efficacy
  • Discover case studies showing real-world experimental data
  • Discuss the use and optimization of extended biophysical characterization methods, and their orthogonality
  • Exhibit your poster – four posters will be selected for a 5-minute flash presentation
  • There will be lots of informal networking opportunities over refreshments
  • Tickets include an on-site buffet dinner at the end of day one where you’ll have the chance to meet and mingle with other attendees
  • This exciting event takes place in the beautiful city of Copenhagen, which is frequently listed as one of the world’s happiest cities

Be part of a global community 

Nothing compares to the magic of connecting in person. Not only will you get to hear insights and case studies that showcase real-world data, you’ll also find ample time for networking. The Forum is an truly immersive experience where networking is personal and face-to-face. You’ll be able to connect with the speakers and other attendees during the poster exhibition, at lunch, over coffee, and during dinner.

Call for posters

All attendees are welcome to display a poster in our poster exhibition – in fact we strongly encourage you to do so! If you would like to exhibit your poster, simply submit your abstract and we’ll make sure there’s a poster board waiting for you. Perhaps you’ll even secure a 5-minute presentation slot in the agenda – our scientific organizing committee will select the top four abstracts for a 5-minute flash presentation on day one of the conference.

If you would like exhibit your poster simply send us a short abstract – remember, four abstracts will be chosen for a 5-minute flash presentation. Abstracts must be: 

  • 350 words of fewer, excluding titles, authors, affiliations and references 
  • Submitted in Microsoft Word (not PDF) 
  • Structured to include the following sections:  

1. Background
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Conclusion
5. Acknowledgements
6. References (optional)

Submit your abstract to

The deadline for submissions is May 6th

See you there 

To find out more about this event, or to register for tickets, please go to our event page, where you can find full details, including the latest agenda, the speaker line-up and early bird ticket prices.