Discover our Smart Manager Monitoring Support Services

We often go to the doctor only when something has already gone wrong – would it not make more sense to have regular check-ups or even continuous monitoring of our health? The same goes for analytical instruments! Malvern Panalytical has a solution for efficient and proactive maintenance for the Zetium and Mastersizer, which includes expert monitoring of instrument health and utilization: Smart Manager

What is Smart Manager?

Smart Manager is your trusted guardian for instrument health and utilization management, ensuring unrivaled accuracy, reliability, and efficiency in your analyses – on time, all the time. It is a set of digital monitoring services combined with insights from experienced service professionals. If there are any potential issues with the instrument or its performance, the expert proactively contacts you to guide you through corrective maintenance or optimize your instrument performance. 

A growing number of product lines are delivered with the Smart Manager Connection, or it can be easily added to already delivered instruments as well. The Connection allows users then to procure the Smart Manager Service Agreement and Smart Manager Portal Access at any time, which is currently available for Mastersizer and Zetium instruments. The portal provides you with basic self-monitoring capabilities, and the Smart Manager Service Agreement represents the most complete peace of mind for users. 

How does Smart Manager help maximize lab instrument uptime and ensure reliability? 

The Smart Manager Service Agreement is like adding a member to your team who proactively monitors the health of your equipment, guides you through repairs and corrective maintenance, and provides insight into your instrument’s performance and utilization history.  

Smart Manager therefore maximizes instrument uptime, minimizes unplanned downtime, ensures accuracy and reliability, and streamlines operational admin and budgeting. Problems are diagnosed at early stage and first-time-right fixes are increased, while on-site visits and disruptions to your workflow are minimized.  

A Malvern Panalytical expert could alert a Mastersizer user, for instance, that the ultrasound probe is reaching its operational life expectancy, alerting them that proper dispersion of the sample may be at risk. A Zetium user, meanwhile, might not notice an issue with the external chiller that could cause tube cooling issues, which can damage the tube and affect result quality.  

Without proactive detection and fast resolution of these issues, operators might obtain deviating measurements without explanation, or face higher maintenance costs and delays due to unexpected downtime. Our Smart Manager monitoring services ensure you’re getting the best performance from your instrument, with as few interruptions to its operation as possible. 

How does Smart Manager help improve laboratory instrument utilization? 

The Smart Manager Portal provides self-monitoring capabilities, enabling you to check not only basic health status in real-time but also analytical instrument use and performance histories, anytime, anywhere. Key information is at your fingertips, helping you balance instrument workload and master your resource and budget planning.  

How does Smart Manager work?  

It all starts with the Smart Manager Connection, which enables the lab instrument to securely send low-level telemetry data (such as pressure or temperature) to the Smart Manager platform – simple and safe as using a connected printer consumable service you may already have in use. We are bringing the Smart Manager Connection to more and more analytical instrument ranges, preparing them for the Smart Manager Services to come soon. This is our new standard. 

Currently, Mastersizer and Zetium instruments are not only delivered with the Smart Manager Connection or can easily get enabled with this functionality – but they are also enabled for the full Smart Manager Service experience – with the comprehensive Smart Manager Service Agreement package you can benefit from: 

  • Proactive lab instrument health checks and support from experienced specialists. 
  • A quarterly report summarizing Smart Manager’s actions, findings, and analytical instrument performance.
  • Smart Manager Portal Access for self-monitoring basics in real-time. 
  • A remote corrective maintenance session, helping you resolve any potential issues in the fastest way possible. 

With Smart Manager, you can thus ensure you’re maximizing uptime and continuously running high-quality analyses you can trust, thus saving valuable time and lowering costs. 

If you’d like to find out more about Smart Manager, read more on our web page or book a free demonstration to learn about the benefits first-hand!