Basic Principles of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis


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00:00:00 Welcome
00:00:10 Introduction
00:00:51 Basic Principles of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
00:01:16 Outline of Presentation
00:01:52 Seeing is Believing!
00:01:52 Patented Optical Arrangement
00:03:49 NTA Experimental Protocol
00:04:43 Particle Sizing in action - Software Analysis
00:04:43 Sizing: Stokes-Einstein
00:04:43 Concentration: Quantify particles in known volume
00:04:43 Concentration of selected range
00:05:00 NTA Specifications: Size and Concentration Limits
00:07:04 Fluorescence measurement (optional)
00:07:04 Analysis in Complex Biological Media
00:07:04 Available options for fluorescence
00:07:33 Flow Mode for better reproducibility
00:08:46 Industry & Scientific Community Acceptance
00:10:05 Parameters measured by NTA
00:10:12 Size with high resolution
00:10:12 Distribution – shape, breadth, modes
00:11:31 Concentration (Number Base)
00:11:31 Concentration – tracking aggregation
00:11:31 Concentration – protein aggregation
00:12:23 Fluorescence speciation
00:12:23 Relative Light Intensity
00:13:22 DLS and NTA
00:13:58 Getting the same answer
00:14:34 Biological Vesicles and a smaller population
00:15:18 Antibody-functionalized gold nanoparticles
00:15:55 Comparison: NanoSight, DLS, TEM
00:16:18 Correlation: NanoSight, plaque assay, qPCR
00:17:02 Application examples
00:17:04 NTA is applicable to many sample types:
00:17:25 Purified Adeno Virus
00:17:53 Monitoring Virus Purification - Influenza
00:18:16 Exosome Size Distribution Comparison
00:18:16 Aqueous colloidal dispersions
00:18:16 Metals, metal oxides dispersions
00:18:16 Magnetic Nanoparticles
00:19:02 Nanobubbles
00:19:02 Thank you for your time.Questions?
00:26:34 Contact Information

Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) is a particle characterization technique that has grown rapidly since its introduction to the market ten years ago. The current NanoSight instruments have become a critical tool used in many applications to provide information not available by other methods. The ability to visualize individual particles for analysis provides single-particle resolution as well as a direct measure of concentration. The technique also works under fluorescence, allowing speciation of labeled populations in complex backgrounds.

This webinar will review the basic principles of the technique itself, compare it to other established techniques like Dynamic Light Scattering, and provide some example application data sets to show how the information is used in practice.


Duncan Griffiths is Product Manager for the NanoSight product line, responsible for developing and supporting the NTA technique in the American markets. As Bioscience Business Development Specialist, he has additional responsibilities for expanding opportunities in bioscience applications areas. Prior to NanoSight’s acquisition by Malvern, he was Business Development Manager at NanoSight and has many additional years of experience in the particle characterization field.


Who should attend?

Users of Dynamic Light Scattering instruments interested in complementary information

Nanoparticle technologists looking for higher performance characterization techniques.

Anybody frustrated by the limits of traditional sizing techniques.

What will you learn?

Basic principles of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis technique.

How NTA compares to traditional particle sizing techniques.

The powerful capabilities and data provided by this unique view of particle dispersions.

Optimization of the technique and analytical design that yield the highest quality data.