Reverting to a previous driver version and improving the robustness of the image capture code and ability to restart an unresponsive camera to maintain ESD compliance.
See the current Morphologi range . Learn more
Learn moreMorphologi 4-ID 透過形貌導向拉曼光譜技術 (MDRS),提供混合顆粒樣品中特定組成的形貌分析,這套系統在單一整合式平台中結合了自動顆粒成像與拉曼光譜分析,為複雜顆粒系統的特性分析提供強而有力的解決方案,且 Morphologi 4-ID 的軟體可與 Wiley 的 KnowItAll® Raman Identification Pro 軟體平台完美搭配運作,迅速辨識您的拉曼光譜。
Reverting to a previous driver version and improving the robustness of the image capture code and ability to restart an unresponsive camera to maintain ESD compliance.
Version 10.32 fixes 2 critical bugs, the audit trail files are now protected from accidental modification and manual light
setting measurements which were prevented by v10.31 can be run again.
This release improves the Installation Qualification (IQ) process with new Performance Verification (PV) and system
check reports for Morphological and ID components. Stability and security have also been
improved with new camera drivers and restrictions on custom calculation functionality.
Improved spectral performance
適當分散樣品中的個別顆粒與團聚顆粒能帶來良好的空間分離,也能提高顆粒樣品取樣的具代表性,如此一來,才能達到穩定可靠的結果,為達成這個目的,Morphologi 4-ID 提供多種不同的分散配件選擇。
Morphologi 4-ID 隨附整合式乾粉樣品分散裝置,可讓您輕鬆製備重複性高的乾粉樣品,其利用軟體控制的獨特壓縮空氣分散機制來自動分散精準的樣品量,達到每次都能再現的分散效果。
我們提供一系列儀器配件,可支援在顯微鏡載玻片上製備樣品,讓 Morphologi 4-ID 不僅僅能分析乾式分散樣品,更可以應用在無論是懸浮液中或過濾材料上的顆粒樣品分析,而且每個配件都能直接配合自動載台區域,並可在 Morphologi 軟體中輕鬆選擇。
Wiley’s KnowItAll® ID Expert software platform works seamlessly with Malvern Panalytical’s Morphologi software to provide rapid identification of your Raman spectra.
‘Sandwiching’ a few μL of a suspension of smaller particles between a microscope slide and a cover slip is a traditional method of sample preparation for microscopy. Samples are presented in this form to the Morphologi G3-ID using either the 2-slide or 4-slide holder. Slides suitable for chemical identification applications are available.
The thin-path wet cell is designed for both morphological and chemical characterization of up to 100 μL of sample. It is ideal for applications such as the identification of subvisible particles in therapeutics (described by guidance in USP <787> and USP <788>), especially when a traditional membrane filtering approach may risk changing particles of interest, such as protein aggregates.
Fused silica filters are designed to enable the analysis of filtered samples containing low-contrast particles, such as protein aggregates or contaminant particles. The fused silica filters are housed in a support for ease of handling, and are presented to the Morphologi in the fused silica holder, which can hold up to 2 filters.
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