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NanoSight NS500

NanoSight NS500仪器为纳米颗粒的表征提供了易于使用的可重复平台。

NS500可根据仪器配置和分析的样本类型对直径为10 nm至2000 nm的所有类型的纳米颗粒提供详细、直观的粒度分布和浓度分析。 基于 NS500 的 Zeta 电位测量凭借高分辨率特性,可逐个颗粒进行测量,并能同步测量诸如粒度、颗粒浓度之类的其他 NTA 测量参数,甚至可在荧光模式下运行。

样本通过集成流控功能引入查看室。 屏幕上的泵控装置可实现自动样本处理,包括加载、清洗和稀释。 软件控制的电动光学平台能够在清洁、改善重现性之后快速进行重新定位和重新聚焦。 样本温度完全可以通过纳米颗粒跟踪分析(NTA)软件进行编程。

User manuals

Software downloads

05 October 2020



    • USB camera support.


    • Improved logging. Instrument log files will no longer be overwritten at the start of each day.

    • Improved handling of corrupt/unreadable video files.

    • New script command for automated/unattended data export.

    • Resolved HASP issues in Windows 10 (Version 2004)


08 January 2019


Improvements including:

  • USB camera support
  • Improved logging
  • Improved handling of video files
  • New script commands for data export

27 July 2018


Improvements including:

  • New SOP pages
  • CFR

27 November 2015


Improved Automation

  • Auto-setup, auto-level, focus-level, and auto-focus script commands available
  • Script command to change experiment filename
  • Make background script commands added
  • Changes to continuous flow SOP scripts to ensure smooth flow


  • Laser color added to nanolog.csv and other outputs

Interface changes

  • Run button on Recent Measurements page
  • User direction messages for capture and process settings improved
  • User Positions 1 and 2 removed

Additional features

  • Optional CFR feature available – audited operation, secure login, data integrity checking, user level program configuration
  • CFR feature can be enabled by adding feature code to CFR security dongle
  • The CFR feature is available as a chargeable upgrade – Part No. PSS0054 for new builds, Part No. NTA4165 as an upgrade for customers running NTA 3.2 software


  • Extended camera log for diagnostic purposes, can revert to daily usage via nano.ini

15 June 2015


Improvements and Features

  • Concentration measurement upgrade option for NS500 and single and multi-laser NS300

Improved Automation

  • Automatic focus available for NS300 and NS500
  • Automatic camera level for all instruments

Data Display and Manipulation

  • Flexible data overlays for line graphs and scatter plots
  • CSV and PDF export options for overlaid data
  • Ability to report concentrations between specific size limits
  • Option to ‘exclude’ regions of particles from the scatter plot
  • Updated display for zeta plots

Interface changes

  • Quick access to recent experiments through dedicated tabbed window
  • Experiments display overlaid graphs and scatterplots on load
  • Improved flexibility and usability for graph settings
  • Filter wheel has its own hardware tab, with customisable buttons
  • Procedure guide for electrode air removal
  • Warnings to remind user of essential hardware checks/maintenance

Additional improvements

  • Refined camera levels to give more suitable settings for brighter particles
  • Refined detection threshold range
  • Speed optimised size distribution algorithm runs up to 20 times faster
  • Refined focus and stage controls for ease-of-use
  • Option to correct viscosity and dilution after making a measurement
  • Improved hardware auto-detection and reconnection menus

30 March 2015


Improvements and Features

  • Concentration measurement upgrade option for NS500 and single and multi-laser NS300

Improved Automation

  • Automatic focus available for NS300 and NS500
  • Automatic camera level for all instruments

Data Display and Manipulation

  • Flexible data overlays for line graphs and scatter plots
  • CSV and PDF export options for overlaid data
  • Ability to report concentrations between specific size limits
  • Option to ‘exclude’ regions of particles from the scatter plot
  • Updated display for zeta plots

Interface changes

  • Quick access to recent experiments through dedicated tabbed window
  • Experiments display overlaid graphs and scatterplots on load
  • Improved flexibility and usability for graph settings
  • Filter wheel has its own hardware tab, with customisable buttons
  • Procedure guide for electrode air removal
  • Warnings to remind user of essential hardware checks/maintenance

Additional improvements

  • Refined camera levels to give more suitable settings for brighter particles
  • Refined detection threshold range
  • Speed optimised size distribution algorithm runs up to 20 times faster
  • Refined focus and stage controls for ease-of-use
  • Option to correct viscosity and dilution after making a measurement
  • Improved hardware auto-detection and reconnection menus

15 July 2014


Improvements and Features
  • Redesigned interface, focusing around repeat measurements
  • Improved particle size distribution algorithm
  • Automatic, integrated hardware detection and communication
  • Increased compatibility with networked computers
  • Easy setup with new installer package
  • Additional features
  • New file system with less files per experiment
  • Improved particle detection and tracking
  • Improved vibration correction
  • Settings stored in the registry rather than .ini file

23 February 2024


  • Project export and import
  • General workflow and existing feature improvements
  • Improved robustness for fluorescence measurements
  • Minor bug fixes

See SUN for more details.


14 September 2023


NS Xplorer is the software for the NS Pro instrument

  • 1st Release


NanoSight 注射泵

马尔文帕纳科的 NanoSight注射泵适用于NanoSight系统,能让用户在恒定流速下进行样本分析。


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