SuperQ Thin Film

For XRF analysis of thin films

SuperQ Thin Film is the software platform that is used with PANalytical’s range of XRF-based metrology systems. The SuperQ Thin Film software platform makes accurate process control and wafer analysis easier than ever. Bringing rapid and automatic verification of layer and stack information across the complete wafer, the software calculates thickness, composition, stoichiometry, dopant levels and uniformity for a wide range of layer types and stacks.
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Usability enhancement

Day-to-day XRF analysis is a routine task that can be readily carried out by inexperienced personnel with a minimum of instruction only.

View results easily

Results can be viewed on-line as measurements are taken, in a variety of formats, and with distinctive color-coding allowing for at-a-glance go/no-go decision making. In addition, results may be automatically transmitted to network drives or printers to generate reports, publications or presentations.

Present to enhance the usability

SuperQ Thin Film is based on Malvern Panalytical’s SuperQ, the XRF analysis software platform that is used with Malvern Panalytical XRF - wavelength dispersive based - spectrometers, offering all functions to set up and operate your spectrometer. The analytical program assembly is facilitated by intelligence built into the software based on Malvern Panalytical’s half-century of expertise in XRF analysis. Day-to-day XRF analysis is a routine task that can be readily carried out by inexperienced personnel after the minimum of instruction. Many features are present to enhance the usability of the software.


Results can be viewed on-line as measurements are taken, in a variety of formats, and with distinctive color-coding allowing for at-a-glance go/no-go decision making. In addition, results may be automatically transmitted to network drives or printers to generate reports, publications or presentations.