Epsilon software

Analytical EDXRF software package for Epsilon benchtop systems

Epsilon software is the XRF analysis software platform that is used with PANalytical’s range of Epsilon 1 and Epsilon 4 benchtop EDXRF systems. The software offers all the functions required to set up and operate an Epsilon benchtop system. The analytical program assembly is greatly facilitated by the high degree of intelligence built into the software, allowing users to benefit from half a century of applications expertise. Daily XRF analysis is a routine task that can be readily carried out by inexperienced personnel after a minimum of instruction. Many features are present to enhance the usability of the software.

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Answering your analytical and laboratory needs

This easy-to-use, yet powerful software package is tailor-made for the Epsilon 1 and Epsilon 4 benchtop spectrometers. It adds considerable flexibility for fast elemental analysis across the periodic table without the need for special accessories or modifications. The software enables everyone to carry out routine operations requiring little expert knowledge – the software takes care of it all.


The comprehensive Epsilon software performs quantitative and qualitative analysis. Standard features include:

  • User-friendliness: simple routine user interface with 'easy-measure' push-button operation
  • Automatic program selection (APS) conducts rapid measurements to determine the optimal application choice
  • Application setup advisor or ‘conditions finder’ that automatically optimizes the instrument parameters to obtain the best data for specific applications and access security to protect against unauthorized interference or operator error

Convenient reporting

Data from Epsilon benchtop spectrometers are presented in an easily interpretable graphical form. With on-line Statistical Process Control (SPC) immediate warning is given when any results fall outside the control limits. In an industrial environment this offers a means of observing trends and signaling unexpected deviations in the materials or process being controlled. Transmission of data to other computers for LIMS purposes can be set up in an automatic way or only transmitted when prompted by the user.

Easy data handling

  • Advanced spectrum evaluation and processing
  • Fully integrated peak deconvolution for unraveling complex spectra*. This function separates closely-spaced peaks that would otherwise not be resolved
  • Special algorithms accurately describe peak shape and background profiles, providing truly accurate, robust analysis without the need for secondary filters and/or reference spectra
  • Easy qualitative comparison of multiple spectra, including a two-dimensional and three-dimensional spectrum evaluation tool
  • Correction for inter-element ‘matrix’ effects using advanced Fundamental Parameters (FP) algorithms
  • Easy transfer of calibrations to other Epsilon benchtop spectrometers

* The spectrum evaluation is done by non-linear least squares fitting, based on the AXIL algorithm developed by the University of Antwerp (Belgium).


Sophisticated software platform

Although the software contains all features needed to obtain accurate results, it can also be augmented to meet advanced analytical requirements while keeping the usability for routine operators simple. Designed for the most stringent analytical protocols, Epsilon software includes a wealth of expandable optional modules.

Current version: 1.1

Boosting the Epsilon 4 capabilities

Optional modules:

  • Use Omnian standardless analysis to deal with applications where standards are unavailable or when qualitative screening measurements provide insufficient information.
  • Use FingerPrint for quick material verification. Examples include positive material identification (PMI) analysis and pass/fail analysis to validate the authenticity of goods.
  • Use Enhanced Data Security (EDS) to support compliancy with regulations like FDA 21 CFR Part 11 in combination with XRF analysis software.
  • Use Stratos to analyze layered or coated samples by means of XRF. Omnian can be included when no bulk standards are available.
  • Use Oil-Trace to analyze a wide variety of fuel-biofuel mixtures to new and used lubricating oils.