What is optical microrheology?

microrheology image created of a mu symbol with the rheology parameters sigma stress, eta viscosity and gamma dot strain rate

Microrheology and Rheology in general are concerned with understanding how materials flow. A traditional mechanical rotational rheometer measures rheological properties by applying a stress to the sample and detecting the response. It applies this perturbation in various geometries (for example ‘cup and bob’, or ‘cone and plate’). More recently, microfluidics allow access to the ultra-high shear rate regime. This method has the added benefit of low sample volume requirement to still obtain information on the bulk sample properties.

An entirely different approach is microrheology by light scattering. Here, we observe the diffusion of tracer particles. From this, we can deduct the viscoeleastic properties for the rheological characterization of low viscosity and weakly-structured complex fluids. Technically this involves calculation of the mean square displacement (MSD) of the tracers as a function of time. We can convert the MSD into a complex viscosity η*, the storage modulus G’ and the loss modulus G’’.

What is the mean square displacement?

In an ideal Newtonian liquid the mean square displacement grows by simple Brownian diffusion. In other words it grows linearly in time proportional to the Diffusion coefficient D.

Equation mean square displacement

Once we determine the mean square displacement from the correlation function, we can then turn it into the complex modulus in Fourier space.

Equation showing complex shear modulus G star

The details of the mathematics are in a white paper and an advanced technical note. For practical tips on how to perform these measurements, see the special chapter in the Zetasizer Accessories Manual. By default the file location of the manual on your computer is at

 Start - All Programs - Malvern Instruments - Zetasizer Software - Manuals
      - Man0487-1.1 (Zetasizer Nano Accessories Guide).pdf

Performing a microrheology experiment involves measuring the tracer particles in buffer/dispersant, and then in the sample of interest. Optionally, a zeta potential measurement of the tracer particles in buffer and in the sample helps to confirm whether interactions between the sample material and the tracer particles take place (and would thus lead to an incorrect interpretation of the microrheology data). For a variety of samples, Latex Nanosphere Size standards are suitable. But other materials (like biomolecules or proteins) may require alternative surface chemistries.  As an example, for bovine serum albumin (BSA) we have found carboxylated melamine particles such as MEL0665 and MEL1180 to be viable tracers. As a potential universal tracer PEGylated polystyrene which is sterically stabilized may be suitable.So long as the PEG coating is pretty dense and sufficiently thick.

Does the tracer particle size matter?

Yes, it is very possible that tracer size will have an influence on the observed behavior. This may especially apply, when testing a gel-like network. The probe size must be larger than the pore size of the underlying microstructure, and results obtained using probe sizes larger than the typical  pore dimension should all overlay.

How to try out the microrheology features

If you already have a Zetasizer Nano ZS or ZSP, the feature can be evaluated (30-day free trial) in the current software under

Tools – Options – Feature Keys – Microrheology Features – Install license key

If the “install license key” is greyed out, then there are two possible reasons. Either a functional key is already installed, or the trial license for that computer has expired.

microrheology data processing example of mean square displacement versus frequency from the Zetasizer software

To see and try out the software features, open the “Example Results.dts” data file and select a microrheology record (select the ‘Summary’ workspace, for example record #88), then go to Tools – Utilities – Microrheology Utilities to open a new window displaying taps for mean square displacement, viscoelastic moduli, complex viscosity – and various fitting model tools (context sensitive, generalized Newtonian. Complex viscosity: power law, Cross model, Sisko model; viscoelastic moduli: G” one element Maxwell, G” two element Maxwell, power law; mean square displacement: power law). In the example screen shot to the left, the graph displays the fit of microrheology data to the G” two element Maxwell model. Here, one can adjust the fit range by dragging the upper and lower range indicators (red triangles on the x-axis).

How to check for feature keys

There are several feature keys available in the Zetasizer software. How can you find what you have? Here are two methods to get a list. The summary shows all installed keys on your computer:

  • In the Zetasizer software go to Tools – Options – Feature Keys – Feature Keys Summary    or
  • Double-click on the “Features” symbol in the bottom right corner of the Zetasizer software
examples of installed software feature keys in the Zetasizer software. Enabled-and-disabled-feature-key-window

This will open a window with a summary of the currently installed feature licenses. It may for example list Microrheology Features: None when the special micro rheology features are not present in the software.

Further Resources


If you have any questions, please email me at ulf.nobbmann@malvern.com. Thanks!
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