Particle presentations on demand

Here at Malvern there is a strong focus on the expansion and dissemination of knowledge. Our corporate culture encourages continuous exploration of the science and applications relevant to our products and we all enjoy putting together and delivering webinars in our specialist areas.

Covering the basics as well as the boundaries

Having said that, while it is always fascinating to focus on the boundaries of science, or particular applications relevant to our product areas, we are equally inclined to go back to the basics:

‘An introduction to particle size analysis’  which I presented at the end of March, and can now be viewed on line, is aimed at newcomers to the subject and also works well as a basic refresher course for experienced particle scientists. It covers basic theoretical concepts of particle size analysis as well as aspects of its practical application, including the strengths and limitations of different technologies. The webinar is based upon a paper written by my colleague Dr Alan Rawle, entitled Basic principles of particle size analysis,which is the most downloaded paper on our website, an indication of just how useful our customers find this type of information.

Basic principles of particle characterization by automated image analysis’ is another very useful introductory seminar. Presenter Deborah Huck explains the fundamental principles behind automated particle image analysis, as well as the motivation within industry to use the extra information it provides. Suited to a wide ranging audience, this webinar is now available ‘on demand’ and acts as a companion to An introduction to particle size analysis.

An invitation to investigate further

Malvern’s collection of online presentations and application notes is freely available to anyone following a simple one-off registration. It has developed into a rich store of educational materials covering a wide range of topics. If you haven’t already investigated the web seminars, on demand presentations and applications library, I would encourage you to take a look at what we have on offer.