New users of DLS & the Zetasizer? Quick guide to perfection!

Sticky Note - DLS The Basics - Quick Guide To Perfection!

Whether in a university or a quality assurance laboratory a new DLS instrument user will tend to ask the same questions:

  • How does the instrument work?
  • What are the specifications & limitations?
  • How do I operate the software?
  • How do I interpret the results?
  • And yes, while you are it, tell me what can go wrong too!

In today’s fast world of Google searches and YouTube tutorials, as much as I love the smell of a new book, I want to snap my fingers and get the answers to my questions fast, clear and, if possible, in short little bursts …. (I know, my attention span is getting shorter every year…)

So here it is: a DLS – THE BASICS course (1h:05min) that attempts to give the answers to basic dynamic light scattering & Zetasizer questions in short modules for new DLS users.

In this course you will learn about:

  • Basic DLS theory 
  • System checks and sample preparation 
  • Software tips and tricks 
  • Methodology
  • Data interpretation 

A movie on setting up a manual measurement is included as well. You can take as little or as many modules at one time! Better yet, quiz questions are optional! Perfect for every new DLS user and even as a refresher DLS course.

Have fun and keep on learning!

Bonus for new DLS users: a quick intro to zeta

In addition to the DLS course, Claudia also recorded A Quick introduction to Making a Zeta Potential measurement(6m:50s) which shows an overview of how electrophoretic light scattering and zeta potential work.

Note by editor:  The above course was designed and recorded by Claudia Mujat. She is our US Applications lab manager in Westborough, Massachusetts. There is also a similar recording on our website. There, Mike Kaszuba from our UK office (in Malvern, Worcestershire) presented the title a Basic introduction to DLS . You will also find additional information about DLS in general as well as the Zetasizer in particular on this our blog.