Ask an Expert: Discover the golden rules for error-free laser diffraction analysis

Join our next Ask an Expert! webinar to learn how to optimize your laser diffraction process and results
Just how small is a nanometer? Answer: one-billionth of a meter! To give you some examples of what that means, a sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick. The diameter of a strand of human hair is similar – about 80,000-100,000 nanometers. And a typical germ is 10,000 nanometers wide. So, nanometers must be pretty tiny, right? Now imagine something even smaller: a particle of just 10 nanometers. Well, that minuscule measurement is the starting range for our advanced particle size analyzers!
Small-scale measurements for large-scale impact
Industries around the world rely on extremely precise laser diffraction (LD) analysis to inform critical decision-making throughout R&D and manufacturing processes. From the food and beverage to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, particle size analysis plays an essential role in delivering high-quality, chemically stable, and cost-efficient products. And because LD accommodates such a wide dynamic range – from submicron to millimeters – it has become the standard particle sizing measurement across many industrial sectors. With its speed, ease of operation, and enhanced resolution, LD has quickly outpaced more traditional sizing techniques, such as sieve analysis.
But how does it work? Laser diffraction measures particle size distributions by measuring the angular variation in the intensity of scattered light when passed through a dispersed particulate sample. Because large particles scatter light at small angles and small particles scatter light at large angles, the pattern of the light scatter can give a clear picture of what size and distribution of particles a sample contains. But this technique can generate a lot of data. So, how do you ensure that laser diffraction delivers the right results for your application?
Master laser diffraction analysis with the Mastersizer 3000
We’ll tell you! Firstly – and most importantly – you need to have a thorough understanding of how laser diffraction works. Since accurate and high-quality data are essential to justifying your research conclusions, a clear understanding of how the process works ensure you can deliver the best outcomes. Secondly, you must define the parameters for your sample; this gives essential bounds to your research and ensures you draw out the appropriate conclusions for your purpose. Beyond this, it’s also useful to be able to set up your measurements for quick batch processing and to know how to present your data in the best format.
And our tools can help with all of this! The Mastersizer 3000, for instance, is our most advanced laser diffraction instrument. It is versatile and compact and also aligns with the analytical requirements, resource constraints, and demanding workflows of today’s laboratories. As a state-of-the-art tool, it delivers class-leading particle sizing performance, intuitive software to ease the analytical workload, and flexible and customizable reporting capabilities. Plus, it enables rapid, effective sample preparation capabilities for emulsion and powders, adaptable to different sample requirements for maximum process control.
Ready to enhance your analysis? Come and Ask an Expert!
We’re going to cover all of this and more in our upcoming free webinar on laser diffraction! Join our Ask an Expert! session on July 21, where our technical experts, John Ddungu and Steve Ward-Smith, will walk you through how to get the most out of your LD research. Whether you want to learn more about how laser diffraction works, what you need to do to set up your experiment, or how to perform maximally practical analysis, this webinar has got you covered.
So, what are you waiting for? Register now to reserve your place!
The Ask an Expert! webinar series is for students, researchers, and professors looking to sharpen their analytical methods, deepen their knowledge and improve their research data. To ensure your questions get answered during the session, send them in advance to
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