Speed, efficiency and quality – sample analysis made easy and better with automated peak analysis


Maximize your time, remove tedious steps, and improve reproducibility and accuracy in SEC/GPC sample analysis with the new OMNISECTM automated peak detection feature. This is a convenient way to quickly determine the molecular characteristics of samples: molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, size and structural information at the snap of your fingers. 

SEC/GPC samples analysis can be quite time consuming. Setting up the instrument, run what can be many samples that may require overnight run, and then? Come back to work in the morning and have the tedious task to process all the chromatograms, making sure to do it properly and consistently. When there is simply not enough time or there is too much to do, this process can be very long and can be considered a waste of time. And it is at this stage that the OMNISECTM software can be your new valuable partner that helps you save time, reduce unwanted variations, and improve the reproducibility with your data. 


Maximize your time, remove tedious steps, and improve reproducibility and accuracy in SEC/GPC sample analysis with the new OMNISECTM automated peak detection feature. This is a convenient way to quickly determine the molecular characteristics of samples: molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, size and structural information at the snap of your fingers.

SEC/GPC samples analysis can be quite time consuming. Setting up the instrument, run what can be many samples that may require overnight run, and then? Come back to work in the morning and have the tedious task to process all the chromatograms, making sure to do it properly and consistently. When there is simply not enough time or there is too much to do, this process can be very long and can be considered a waste of time. And it is at this stage that the OMNISECTM software can be your new valuable partner that helps you save time, reduce unwanted variations, and improve the reproducibility with your data.

What is automated sample analysis?

What does OMNISECTM peak detection automation do? It simplifies the process of placing baselines and limits on raw data chromatograms when analysing SEC/GPC data. Forget all the struggles in trying to set the correct baselines and limits, adjusting them properly and making sure you are consistent within multiple injections. The software can do it for you, leaving you only the quick task of reviewing the processed data. Figure 1 compares the traditional way of processing samples and the new automated method. The reduction in number of steps is substantial, if you aim to overall speed up and improve the sample analysis process.

[AN231020 Figure 1 - Comaprison.png] AN231020 Figure 1 - Comaprison.png
Figure 1 Comparison of the steps involved in processing samples in a traditional way and by using the automated peak detection OMNISECTM feature.

Therefore, what does having less steps mean? How much time do we save with peak detection automation? The time that takes to process one sample can average between two and three minutes, but, depending on user and sample’s chromatogram quality, required time may increase. Assuming three minutes per sample, if you have 100 samples to process, that will take you at least 5 hours. With peak detection automation and half of the steps, as seen in Figure 1, a processed sample can be checked in less than a minute. This means that for 100 sample you need less than an hour to check data. This results to a saving time of at least 4 hours, that can be spent in other more useful activities in your daily work. 100 samples in 1 hour instead of 5 hours!

How does it work?

Looking at this in more detail, how actually is the OMNISECTM software automating SEC/GPC data analysis and making it easier for users? By setting baseline and limits automatically in one step. Create a calibration method and select the preferred Peak detection algorithm. The software gives two options (Figure 2 & Figure 3):

  • OmniSearch (The software determines the most appropriate limits and baselines for the samples)
  • Automatic Detection – Fixed BL and Limits (Set the retention volumes at which limits of integration and baseline points are placed)

[AN231020 Figure 2 - calc method.png] AN231020 Figure 2 - calc method.png
Figure 2 Calculation method window showing the peak detection options, available when using multi-detectors, conventional or universal calibration methods.

[AN231020 Figure 3 - Windows.png] AN231020 Figure 3 - Windows.png
Figure 3 Peak detection options windows, showing all parameters that can be set in both options. To know more read the blog Limits & Baselines with OMNISEC: Part 2 – Automation!

Auto peak detection allows limits and baselines to be added as soon as the corresponding method is applied to the data. It is possible to set the auto peak detection method immediately when building a new sequence, thus even before the run starts. Alternatively, the batch re-processing feature allows for the simultaneously processing of the desired number of samples opened in the Record View window of the software.

The process will deliver immediately the SEC/GPC results and the data can be reviewed quickly allowing you to assess the product quality and to make any decisions necessary in the control or development of your sample.


In Figure 4 a sample chromatogram is shown on the left (raw data) and the method applied for the analysis has the peak detection algorithm “Automatic Detection – Fixed BL and Limits” selected. In this method the different parameters for peak detection have been chosen for the specific sample, shown in Figure 4 in the middle. Selecting this method means obtaining processed chromatograms and the corresponding results straight away, as observed in Figure 4 on the right.

[AN231020 Figure 4 - Applied automation.png] AN231020 Figure 4 - Applied automation.png
Figure 4 Example of automated peak detection applied to process a sample’s chromatogram. From raw data to beseline and limits automatically set and immediate results.

Who can use it and when?

Purposefully designed to help speed up the process of SEC/GPC sample analysis, automation was introduced for everyone working with any type of samples. Whether you are a researcher at university, an academic, or an analyst in a company, working in biopharmaceuticals or in quality control (QC) laboratories, this automation can be of great help for all sorts of applications.

For example, let’s think of QC environments where the aim is to ensure that the product quality is preserved and/or improved. The testing is done, for example, by pulling the material from a manufacturing line and thus, it is common to have to analyse the same type of sample repeatedly to ensure the product is always conforming to the specifications. Automating the setting of baselines and limits in this case is particularly easy because they are always the same, and this can save the analyst a great deal of time. The method, that you can create with the specific settings, puts limits and baseline automatically on all samples and gives the results straight away, with only a quick review of the data left to do.

When can you use it? Whenever you wish to and whenever is convenient for your specific application. When you have a lot of samples to analyse and process, automation is a valuable help you may wish to have. In addition, you can use it when you want to completely automate the SEC/GPC analysis, create a real automation system in your laboratory. This new OMNISEC feature can bring end to end automation to SEC/GPC analysis (Figure 5). Using this feature means performing SEC/GPC analysis with minimal human intervention. Prepare the sample, set your system and walk away. Come back at the end of analysis and get your results straight away. Know that also the system set-up can be automated using the “Instrument and Experiment set-up methods” in the OMNISECTM software. Check the blog Automated methods with OMNISEC to know more. Altogether, this brings you to really have a high-quality automation system that effectively deliver results without the need of a person to step in and work on it.

[AN231020 Figure 5.jpg] AN231020 Figure 5.jpg
Figure 5 Automation in SEC/GPC now possible with Peak detection and Setup Method available in OMNISECTM software. Prepare the samples, load them in the OMNISEC RESOLVE autosampler and get your samples results straight away at the end of the chromatography run. 

Summary: what can be gained from using it?

The multi-detector OMNISEC system combined with the easy-to-use software and the newly introduced automated samples analysis will allow for the following benefits:

  • Save time
    • Reduced analysis time dedicated to sample processing, no need to waste your precious time with tedious routine data processing
    • Less downtime, waiting for the data to be processed, of the SEC/GPC instrument as well as the analyst/lab technician
    • Quick results mean quick decisions
    • More time to do more measurements or go on to other tasks
    • Use this saved time to plan, do or organise something more useful: time is money  
  • Enhance productivity
    • You can be more efficient with sample analysis
    • With little effort assess your samples molecular characteristics and celebrate your success or take actions to improve your product
    • Decision making abilities are enhanced by having quickly available results
  • Improve data quality
    • Automation does it for you and so variability is minimised
    • Improved consistency within your samples and even when several users process the data, as they can use the same automated method
    • Better reproducibility by removing “human error” potential
  • End to end automation system
    • Prepare the samples, all the rest is done for you
    • Results ready with minimal human intervention
    • Lower operating costs and smaller manpower costs


In summary, now you can process and review the data quickly, work with your results, make your decisions on your product and move quickly to the next task! With OMNISEC and the brand-new automation software feature you will wonder how you ever survived without it.

If you are interested, follow the links below to the OMNISEC system and more, and learn about the instrument and its capabilities.


Multi-detector GPC/SEC system – the OMNISEC system
Limits & Baselines with OMNISEC: Part 2 - Automation!  
3 ways to analyze GPC/SEC data
Automated methods with OMNISEC
Ask an Expert! Dive Deeper into multi-detection OMNISEC software
6 things to consider when preparing your OMNISEC samples


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