What is the real size range of DLS and the relevance for my applications?


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00:00:00 What is the real size range of DLS and the relevance for my applications?
00:01:47 What is the real size range of DLS and the relevance for my application?
00:02:19 Overview
00:02:45 DLS = Dynamic light scattering
00:03:44 Some Malvern References
00:05:31 Specifications – the Size Limits
00:07:39 Reasons for the Size Limits
00:10:27 Prediction Tools in the Software
00:11:09 Minimum Concentration Calculator
00:11:34 Minimum Concentration for Small Molecule
00:13:33 Concentration and Scattering Calculator
00:14:26 Scattering Calculator: 0.6nm
00:15:59 Scattering Calculator, Results for 0.6nm
00:19:40 Expected Count Rate (kcps)
00:21:37 Scattering Calculator: 6µm
00:22:45 Scattering Calculator, Results for 6µm
00:24:16 Number of Particles in Scattering Volume
00:25:53 Which Calculator is “Better”?
00:26:55 Application Note: Sucrose
00:28:06 Application Note: Sucrose
00:29:31 Application Note: Cholesterol
00:30:45 Application Note: Aluminum Polyoxocations
00:31:54 Hints for Low Size Measurements
00:33:03 Application Note: Polystyrene Latex 4µm
00:34:09 Large Particles: Backscattering is Better
00:34:49 Application Note: Polystyrene Latex 4µm
00:35:31 Data from 8.9µm Latex Spheres
00:37:10 Hints for Large Size Measurements
00:38:26 For Performance at the Limits, Review Tips
00:38:57 Relevance for Real Application
00:41:58 Practical Advice
00:44:30 Thank You!
00:45:12 Contact Information
Dynamic light scattering is well-established as a technique for the measurement of particles from a few nanometers to a few hundred nanometres. How realistic is the size range of the Zetasizer Nano from less than 0.6nm to over 6 microns?