Comparisons between the Folded Capillary Cell (DTS1060/DTS1061), the ‘dip’ cell (ZEN1002) and the high concentration cell (ZEN1010)

This document details the system and chemical compatibility of each cell, as well as general application area where each cell is used. The disposable and reusable capillary cell (now DTS1070) is compared with the dip cell (ZEN1002) and the high concentration cell ZEN1010.


All three cells are compatible with all versions of the Zetasizer Nano series that measure zeta potential. The folded capillary cell (DTS1070) is a disposable cell for the measurement primarily of the zeta potential of samples in aqueous dispersants. It has a flow configuration so can be used for both batch measurements, and for stop-flow measurements using an MPT-2 autotitrator.

The dip cell (ZEN1002) uses a pair of electrodes that dip into a sample in a cuvette, that can either be disposable plastic (DTS0012) or a glass cell (PCS1115). It has a batch configuration that cannot be used with an MPT-2 autotitrator. The dip cell electrodes are designed to be cleaned and reused. It is recommended that separate cells are used for aqueous and non-aqueous applications.

The high concentration cell (ZEN1010) is designed for the zeta potential measurement of samples in aqueous dispersants at moderate to high concentrations. It has a flow configuration so can be used for both batch measurements, and for stop-flow measurements using an MPT-2 autotitrator. The cell is designed to be dismantled and cleaned.

Folded capillary cell

Dip cell

High concentration cell

Sample compatibility

Aqueous samples

Aqueous and non-aqueous samples

Aqueous samples and dispersants with dielectric const >20


Where it is important to eliminate any chance of sample cross contamination

Where there is time to clean the electrodes to reduce the cost of use

Where it is undesirable to dilute the sample or to minimize the dilution required

Autotitrator compatibility




Number of sample measurements per cell

100's at low conductivity =<10mM, Less at higher conductivities

No limit

No limit

Cell materials

Polycarbonate, gold plated Beryllium Copper

PEEK, Palladium, cuvette - polystyrene, glass or quartz

PEEK, Palladium, Quartz, silicone tubing. Viton seals

Sample concentration (Sample dependent)



Low up to 40%w/v

Zeta Potential Measurements




Size Measurements

In ZS model only, not in Z or ZS90 models.

In ZS model only, not in Z or ZS90 models.

In ZS model only, not in Z or ZS90 models.


Zeta potential mean and distribution

Zeta potential mean and distribution

Zeta potential mean only

Maximum field strength





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