Best practices - Fitting of X-ray reflectivity data with X’Pert Reflectivity

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This webinar will focus on the X-ray reflectivity (XRR) data analysis. We will start with a brief discussion on how to judge the quality of the experimental data. Then simulating and fitting on XRR data will be shown in a step-by-step manner, from a simple 2 layers system fitting move towards a more complicated case. Different fitting strategy and practices that help to speeding up the fitting process will also be discussed. A live Q & A will conclude the presentation.

Zhaohui Bao - Application Specialist XRD Zhaohui is an X-ray diffraction specialist at PANalytical, working specifically with XRD applications and development projects. Before joining PANalytical, Zhaohui did his Ph.D. research on oxide thin films in Karlsruhe, Germany. His main interests lay on high resolution thin films investigations, small angle X-ray scattering.