X-ray diffraction is a proven technology in pharmaceutical drug delivery, formulation and quality assurance analysis. Malvern Panalytical’s R and D team continually builds on the success of its 1D detectors to engineer new generation detectors that are even more sensitive and capable of higher resolution data within a short time.
For pharmaceutical studies, high resolution of the peaks and peak to background ratio (S/N), make a huge impact on the LOD/LOQ of minor crystalline phases or impurity phases. Malvern Panalytical is proud to introduce a new Bragg-Brentano High Definition (BBHD) all-rounded optics for best-in-class XRD data analysis in reflection as well as transmission geometry. Coupled with the advancement of BBHD, we have now introduced automated mirror optics setup termed as i-Core incident beam optical module. Together, you benefit from highly sensitive, high resolution XRD data collection in record speed.
In this webinar, stay up to date on the latest hardware for your pharmaceutical and material science XRD studies. Our specialists will be showcasing various pharmaceutical examples as well as inorganic data to illustrate how your Malvern Panalytical X-ray diffractometer equipped with the high-end BBHD/iCore multifunctional incident beam optical module is more superior than conventional slit optics. For instance:
• Excellent monochromatization of the incident x-ray beam
• Higher peak intensities and lowering of background
• Improved detection limits
• Further reduction of fluorescent radiation from the sample when you pair with new detectors like 1Der
• Superior optics for multiple XRD applications
• See how the lowering of background and increase in the overall net peak intensity, improves the limit of detection and limit of quantification (LOD / LOQ) values particularly for pharmaceutical samples
• Achieve all of this in record speed too!
Dr. Mangesh Mahajan, National XRD Application Specialist
Dr. Mangesh Mahajan has a Ph. D. and postdoctoral experience in the field of solid state and materials chemistry from National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India. He has expertise in multiple characterization techniques for various types of materials from more than 13 years. He is associated with Malvern Panalytical from last 5 years as an application specialist for X-ray diffraction. During his engagement, he is instrumental in providing application related support in different industries and research organizations as like in pharmaceuticals, cements, mining and metal industries, universities, national institutions and more.
Who should attend?
• Anyone who is interested to stay up to date on the latest XRD hardware
• Anyone from pharmaceutical research, quality control
How long is this webinar?
30 minutes is the intended speaker time with additional time for addressing queries.