Smart online monitoring solutions for limestone & cement production plants

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Tighter control of every step in the production process is of utmost importance for achieving the maximum efficiency and optimum quality of cement. And because every minute of the process can significantly impact the profitability, companies are opting for online and real-time solutions.

Malvern Panalytical has been working with numerous cement companies across the world to offer our online monitoring solutions using Pulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Activation (PFTNA) technology. This is with the help of the Controlled-Neutron Activated analyser Pentos (CNA Pentos), which is a cross-belt analyser for bulk raw materials. In this webinar, our product manager for online solutions, Rajendra Mishra, will share his expertise on how limestone and raw mix optimisation can help cement producing companies have tighter controls in the quarry management, stockpiling and enhancing kiln efficiency.

In view of our discussion on ways and means to improve your efficiency and increase production levels, we will also share other complementary techniques like online particle size analysis using the Insitec the raw-mill and cement-mill. This is to help expand your analytical applications and in turn maximise your benefits.

This webinar is proudly brought to you by Malvern Panalytical in association with SciSpec Thailand.


Rajendra Mishra, Product Manager for Online Process and Automation Solutions, Malvern Panalytical

Rajendra Mishra has been working with analytical and process instrumentation for over 30 years. An instrumentation Engineer by education, he joined Malvern Panalytical and has since taking various roles, moving from customer support to sales to product management. Over the course of his career, he has assisted numerous companies in finding the relevant analytical solution based on their requirements. These span from cement to coal to iron ore and many other metals and minerals. Rajendra specialises in online process and automation solutions involving elemental to near in-frared to particle size analysis. Tap on his expertise during this webinar to gain a better understanding of where and how your company can benefit from online monitoring capabilities.


Who should attend:

1. Those in the laboratory, production, and QC
2. Anyone working with limestone, cement, raw mixes, and other related raw materials
3. Consultants working with limestone or cement production plants
4. Anyone interested to grow their knowledge in online monitoring tools

How long is this webinar? 

60 minutes is the intended speaker time with additional time for translation and addressing queries.