Which cuvette should I use with my Zetasizer?

You are at the bench and you need to make a specific type of measurement with your particular Zetasizer model… but there are a lot of choices and you are not sure which cuvette is the most appropriate.  You want to be confident in your choice and the capabilities of both your cuvette and the instrument. Well, we have made things a little easier for you with this blog. 

What do the cuvettes look like?

Since there are so many choices for cells with the Zetasizer, an image can be worth a thousand words. Below you will find pictures and descriptions for each type of cuvette. This will allow you to easily identify the ones you have been using and discover the potential of others for your research. Click on the part number to go straight to our store for purchase! 

Part NoDescriptionPicture
DTS001212mm o.d. square disposable polystyrene cuvette, pack of 100 with 100 caps, minimum volume 1mL, suitable for all systems that measure size.  Compatible with Zetasizer 1000/3000, HPPS, Zetasizer Nano Series, and Zetasizer Advance Series
ZEN0040Disposable plastic micro cuvette. For size measurement at a 173-degree scattering angle. Pack of 100 with 100 caps, minimum volume 40µL.  Not suitable for measurements at a 90-degree scattering angle.  (Resistant to Acetone, Benzaldehyde, Butanone, Dioxane, DMF, Ethyl acetate, Isopropanol, various acids and bases)
ZEN2112Low-volume quartz batch cuvette. For size and molecular weight measurements for use with the Zetasizer Nano and Advance series (Minimum sample volume S/ZS is 12 microlitres, S90/ZS90 minimum is 20 microlitres, maximum volume 45 microlitres). NOTE: All systems with S/N less than MAL500119 need an upgrade to the optics. This will require a visit by a Malvern Panalytical trained service engineer
PCS850112mm o.d. square glass cell with circular aperture and stopper. For size measurements.  For the Zetasizer 1000/ 3000/ 3000HS, HPPS and Nano series.  Not suitable for use with the ‘dip’ cells for electrophoresis measurement.
PCS111512mm o.d. square glass cell with square aperture and cap. For size and electrophoresis measurements with the universal dip cell.  Compatible with the Nano series universal dip cell (ZEN1002) and the Zetasizer 2000 and 3000 series aqueous and non-aqueous ‘dip’ cells.  With square aperture and cap.
DTS1070Disposable cuvettes primarily for the measurement of zeta potential but can be used for size measurement.  Pack of 10 cells with 20 stoppers.
ZEN1010High concentration zeta potential cell kit. To enable the zeta potential measurement of more concentrated samples than the folded capillary cell or dip cell.
ZEN1002Universal ‘dip’ cell kit. For use with samples in aqueous and non-aqueous, i.e. non-polar dispersants such as hydrocarbons. Compatible with PCS1115 cuvettes. Compatible with all systems that measure zeta potential.
ZSU1002Low Volume Disposable Sizing Cell Kit allows low volume (3µL minimum sample) high quality size measurements on Zetasizer Lab and Ultra (only) and allows extension of upper particle size range without sample modification.  Contains non-disposable cell anodized aluminum holder with 44 pcs. capillary cuvettes, sealing compound and forceps.
Replacement capillaries are available as part number ZSU0003 (1.0 x 1.0 mm ID x 0.2mm Wall thickness)
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Which cuvettes can measure size? 

It is important to know how you can get the most accurate data with dynamic light scattering.  The table easily tells you which cuvettes can measure size based on the type of instrument you have. Simply find your instrument and discover all the possibilities! 

 Zetasizer UltraZetasizer ProZetasizer LabZetasizer Nano S/ZS/ZSPZetasizer Nano S90/ZS90Zetasizer 1000/3000HPPSZetasizer μV

Which cuvettes can measure zeta potential? 

Electrophoretic light scattering allows you to determine the electrostatic interaction between your particle and the dispersant. Furthermore, this will help you determine how colloidally stable your particle is whether through charge or steric stabilization. Find your instrument and the appropriate cuvettes to help you measure zeta potential! 

 Zetasizer UltraZetasizer ProZetasizer LabZetasizer Nano ZS/ZSPZetasizer Nano ZS90Zetasizer Nano Z

Do you have a system from our new Zetasizer Advance Range?  

Discover all the different types of measurements you can make. Find the metric you want to measure and the cuvette that will help!

 SizeMADLS*Zeta PotentialParticle Concentration~pH TitrationTemperature limits (°C)
ZEN0040 #0-70
DTS1070 #0-70
ZEN1010 #0-70
ZSU1002* ^0-70
*Only available with the Zetasizer Lab and Ultra
**But may be used with the dip cell, ZEN1002
# Not for sizing at side scattering
^ Only for sizing at side scattering
~ only available for the Red Ultra

The new ZS Xplorer software can help you!

The new ZS Xplorer software will help you determine the appropriate temperature limits and measurement types based on the specific cell selection as highlighted in red below. Selection of a specific cell type will limit for example the appropriate temperature range, based on the selection of the dispersant and cell type.

Zetasizer cell choices : Software screen snippet showing Zetasizer cuvette selection and corresponding measurement types

Click here to download the latest version of the ZS Xplorer software.

Further reading: