Streamlining cleaner cement production with elemental analysis

Streamlining cleaner cement production with elemental analysis

Cement is one of the most in-demand materials in the world. It is also one of the most carbon-intensive: as much as 9% of man-made CO2 emissions each year come from cement production. The result is that as cement manufacturers work to increase the efficiency, quality, and cost-effectiveness of their output, they also face pressure to reduce their carbon footprint through cleaner cement production.

The solution? Elemental analysis, either at-line (with a sample taken, prepared and sent to the analyser) or on-line (with all the material analysed as it in on its conveyor belt). When used alongside other quality control instruments such as XRD mineralogical composition analyzers, elemental analyzers can help manufacturers achieve cleaner cement production, increase efficiency, and improve the quality of their product. The key is finding the right instruments that integrate seamlessly into your processes. Read on to find out how Malvern Panalytical can help you do just that.

Composing quality clinker with elemental insights

Clinker is the cornerstone of every cement mixture, and tailoring its elemental composition to your needs is essential to ensuring its quality. For instance, the right levels of sulfur in your clinker can improve its curing rates and strength; too much sulfur can negatively affect its grindability.

Elemental analysis helps ensure you get the right mix every time by showing you different elements present in the raw materials and throughout the production process. Malvern Panalytical’s on-line and at-line elemental analysis solutions do this quickly, with results coming in as little as a few minutes. They require minimal sample preparation, lending themselves to a streamlined production process and, crucially, they are non-destructive, reducing unnecessary waste and product loss.

Here are some of the instruments we offer to help you craft the right elemental composition for your cement.

Reducing process emissions with our CNA range

Quarries aren’t elementally homogeneous, and what you see on the surface of the rocks in your conveyor belt may not be representative of their total mass. This means that although surface-level analysis tools like infrared spectrometry may tell you that your raw materials’ composition is optimal for your needs, this could be proven false by irregularities further down the production line.

Our CNA range of on-line cross-belt analyzers can help you prevent these types of progressive issues. The CNA Pentos uses neutron activation technology to determine the elemental composition of rocks up to 30cm in diameter, offering real-time elemental composition analyses with no sampling process required.

For example, you can use the CNA Pentos to test the limestone going into your stockpile. The insights generated enable you to direct trucks to different sections of the quarry to ensure your final elemental composition is closer to target.

You can also use the CNA Pentos to monitor the chemistry of your mix before it heads to the raw mill, allowing you to automatically adjust the proportions of raw materials you put in. This kind of fine-tuning is essential to maintaining the stability of the kiln during firing, preventing erratic fuel consumption and the associated carbon emissions. It also reduces wear in the refractory lining, minimizing kiln downtime and producing consistent quality clinker – a win-win.

Combining instruments for cleaner cement production across the whole process

Of course, CNA isn’t a magic solution. Just like a human team where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, combining different methods of elemental composition analysis enables greater oversight and control of your processes. For example, you can use our Zetium XRF spectrometer for more accurate analysis of cement samples than the CNA range alone can provide.

Simply cross-reference the results from Zetium testing with those of your CNA instruments using our Smart Blend software package and unlock real-time insights with the depth of perception of CNA and the accuracy of Zetium.

Other at-line instruments in our range include:

Compact XRF range:

  • Epsilon 1 is a small portable XRF analyzer consisting of a spectrometer, built-in computer, touchscreen, and analysis software. It offers minimal operator dependence and sample preparation at a lower running cost than other analytical techniques.
  • Epsilon 4 is an elemental benchtop XRF analysis instrument, giving you quick mine feedback and blend with minimum waste and a low cost of ownership.


  • Revontium is a compact XRF spectrometer, able to provide high quality data with measurement times aligned with a production process

XRF Zetium

  • A high-end floor standing spectrometer offering high quality data and speed of measurement
  • Wavelength dispersive XRF technique allows fine analyses like sulfur and sulphates
  • Robust and research oriented, offering the Pro-Trace Solution for trace element analysis


  • The fastest XRF spectrometer available on the market.
  • Allows for simultaneous measurements of up to 28 elements.
  • Enables rapid routine analysis for real-time process control.

To learn more about Malvern Panalytical’s suite of analytical instruments for building materials applications, please visit our building materials webpage or download our analytical toolbox brochure.

Plus, stay tuned for our next blog on particle size analysis!