Tales of the Unexpected

For many users engaged in particle size analysis, the end point of the measurement can come as something of an unexpected twist. The suggestion that the results obtained are ‘not what we expected’ is a common claim, and is the starting point for an investigation into why a method may not be operating as expected.

Throughout the Laser Diffraction Masterclass this year, I have provided examples of how particle size analysis methods can be developed and validated using the Malvern Mastersizer. So, now that we have completed the theory, it is time to open the webinar series for you and engage in the practice of size measurements. So, please drop me an email, at anne.virden@malvern.com, and I will try to answer any questions you raise within the Trouble Shooting webinar on the 5 November. Also, remember to sign up for the webinar too!

By the end of the webinar I hope that if you’re presented with a particle size result that doesn’t quite make sense, then you’ll understand how to look at the data behind the result and have a check list of possible issues to look out for.

If you have missed any of the earlier webinars and want to know what we’ve been discussing, you can find links to the recordings below:

Masterclass 1: Laser diffraction explained

Masterclass 2: Wet method development

Masterclass 3: Dry method development

Masterclass 4: Optical property selection

Masterclass 5: Specification setting

I look forward to talking to you on th 5th of November!