Starting the next chapter – moving from Zetasizer Nano to Zetasizer Advance

A new chapter

This July we announced an extended family of new Zetasizer instruments. The Zetasizer Pro and Ultra now welcome the Zetasizer Lab. Each version is now also available with a choice of sensitivity. This means there is now a Zetasizer for every application.

With the introduction of the Advance, we also announced the end of the Zetasizer Nano range. The Zetasizer Nano has been a staple of nano particle research and quality control over the last 17 years.

In case you missed it, here is the announcement webinar

A helping hand for changing system

You may be wondering how to go about transferring methods and comparing results across these two different instrument platforms.

To help answer any questions you have about switching platforms we have produced some guidance which can be found here.

This guidance covers the differences in how the Advance instruments measure particle size compared to the Nano instruments. It also describes the differences between the different systems in each family.

Whilst there are some differences, the underlying principles are the same. Here we also show how you can expect to retrieve comparable and complimentary data. The document also discusses the potential reasons for, and how to interpret the data any differences that do arise.

For more information

We appreciate that change is sometimes difficult. To help reassure, we have written specific application and technical notes around each innovation in the Advance family. The transfer guidance document has relevant references. This also includes some of our peer-reviewed papers which are all open access.

We hope this information will be helpful to anyone considering an upgrade to their current dynamic light scattering capabilities.

Further reading