Particle Size Masterclass 4: setting specifications

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00:00:00 Welcome
00:00:55 Particle Sizing Masterclass 4:Setting Specifications
00:01:12 Particle Sizing Masterclass
00:02:19 Overview
00:03:30 What is a specification
00:03:41 What is a specification?
00:04:41 What should specifications be based on?
00:07:14 How should specifications be justified?
00:08:13 Understanding particle size results: Equivalent spheres
00:10:04 Understanding particle size results: Distribution type
00:12:17 Particle size distribution statistics: Median and Mode
00:12:52 PSD Statistics: Median and Mode
00:13:52 PSD Statistics: Percentiles
00:15:25 PSD Statistics: Mean particle sizes
00:16:50 PSD Statistics: Volume weighted mean
00:18:15 PSD Statistics: Surface area weighted mean
00:19:41 Particle size distribution statistics: Summary
00:20:47 Choosing the right parameter to follow the process
00:21:21 Choosing the right parameter to follow the process
00:22:48 Measurement precision
00:23:13 Definitions of measurement precision
00:25:02 What factors affect measurement precision?
00:25:51 How many particles do I need to measure?
00:27:15 How much sample do you need to measure?
00:27:52 How much sample do you need to measure?
00:28:36 Standards for Laser Diffraction & Optical Imaging
00:29:12 What precision values are reasonable?
00:30:52 How does measurement precision affect the spec?
00:31:37 How does measurement precision affect the spec?
00:32:20 Example
00:32:28 Factors affecting the tableting process
00:33:23 Specification example: Tablet formulation
00:34:23 Specification example: Tablet formulation
00:35:22 Specification example: Tablet formulation
00:37:06 Linking measurement data and manufacturing specifications
00:37:34 Conclusions
00:38:32 Thank you for your attentionAny questions?
00:45:15 Contact Information
In the fourth webinar in the particle sizing masterclass we will look at how to set specifications for particle size measurements. The most important thing when setting a specification is to relate it back to why you need to measure particle size. For example, what aspect of product performance, or what part of the manufacturing process, are you trying to control? In this webinar we will look at a few different reasons for setting particle size specifications and what parameters these specifications should be based on. We will also look in more detail at the range of parameters calculated from the particle size distribution, and how they can be used with appropriate tolerances to provide robust specifications.