CubiX³ is the preferred choice for industrial X-ray diffraction (XRD) applications providing the highest speed phase analysis for process optimization and quality control on the market.
CubiX³ delivers exceptional analysis speed, reliability and reproducibility. Introducing new features such as high-intensity data collection and extra flexibility in sample handling for automated environments, CubiX³ can be set up for fully automated, push-button operation. The initial investment in this platform is rapidly earned back because of the ease of operation, the independency of operators and safety for users when compared to traditional methods like wet-chemical process control or microscopy. Rapid measurement equates to real cost savings and rugged construction ensures maximum uptime of the system.

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XRD Sample Holders and Preparation User Guide
Número da versão: 4
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The world’s first 1D silicon strip detector for laboratory X-rays
As the world’s first silicon-based position-sensitive 1D detector for XRD, the X’Celerator is the result of the pioneering development from Malvern Panalytical. With the R&D 100 Award-winning X’Celerator detector you can perform XRD measurements up to 100 times faster than with a traditional point detector, without compromising data quality. With no need for cooling water, liquid nitrogen flow, counting gas or time-consuming calibrations, it is a cost-effective solution.
The X’Celerator is designed exclusively for Malvern Panalytical’s diffractometers for applications in research and industry.