How to register for technical support

How can I access Malvern Panalytical content? Register!

The Malvern Panalytical website has a wealth of information available. A large part of the content is completely accessible without any restriction, yet some content requires registration. Occasionally, I get the comment that “I don’t have an account on the site” or “How can I register?“. To provide you with 24/7 access to all technical notes, application notes, recorded webinars,… here are the steps to take to register.

How do I register?

Register Now screen for registration of a new user for malvern websiteThere are several possible registration methods, and somehow you should land at a site asking for your email address and basic information. The direct link to a registration page is

Malvern Panalytical – Register Now!

You can also just click on the image to the left. Registration is very simple and you do not need any instrument serial number, just a valid email address. While we try to be compatible with all platforms and browsers, there may be some issues with certain combinations. If you encounter an issue, please just try a different browser, it should work on Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox. It may also work on Safari and Opera. If you cannot complete the registration, read on.

I still can’t complete the registration…

Potential reasons for this failure could be restrictions by your IT department. Some corporate configurations send all traffic through a proxy gateway that may block certain parts of the internet. This does not mean that our content is ‘black-listed’, however there may be generic browsing restrictions in place. For example -in the name of productivity enhancement- your IT team may block watching videos. In that case, you may have to ask for the and domains to be white-listed. (And you might as well add,, since they host some of the content).

There are a few potential tricks to help you get registered if for some reason you cannot access the registration link from this post.

  1. Register from a mobile device (tablet, smartphone)
  2. Try from a computer at home
  3. Register with a different email address

The registration will then send an email for confirmation to you. Please also check the Spam, Clutter, Junk folder of your email program. Just click on that email to confirm your email address and you have instantaneous access to our content.

If none of the above provide access, then the last resort is to contact our support team. We are always happy to help, however we do strongly encourage you to take advantage of the convenience of always-on, 24/7, easily-accessible information on the web.


If you have any questions, please email me at Thanks! While opinions are generally those of the author, our editorial team may have modified some parts.