From the experts: Helping you take full advantage of automated sample prep

Picture a lab technician working in a remote mining site, painstakingly weighing samples and mixing them with additives, all while trying to ensure precision: there’s no chance they can keep up with the speed of the process line! Manual sample preparation and analysis can be slow, error-prone, and labor-intensive – which makes automation increasingly critical in many industries.

Automation speeds up the process and minimizes human error, ensuring that results are more reliable and reproducible. But how do you reach the point where your lab is fully automated, and you can enjoy all its benefits? We met with Nick Kleise, our Application Specialist in Sample Preparation for X-ray fluorescence (XRF), to discuss what’s needed to automate one critical stage of the analytical process: sample preparation.

Automated sample prep: Easier said than done

Whether it’s for XRF or another technique, automating sample prep requires complex systems that can handle the specific quirks of different materials. “A technician might find that certain sample mixtures are sticky and difficult to mix,” explains Nick. “While a human can adjust on the fly, a robot requires a tailored solution to deal with such issues.”

Another challenge arises when dealing with different sample types. “Automating diverse methods demands custom-designed systems that account for the specific needs of each process,” adds Nick. For instance, preparing pressed pellets is quite different from preparing fused beads: the first involves mixing the sample with a binder, while the second requires the sample to be melted and dissolved in a flux – a complex process.

The benefits of automated analysis

But it’s clear that overcoming these challenges is worth it. First and foremost, an automated lab eliminates the risk of human error, ensuring that the analysis is both precise and reliable – as Nick notes, “weighing errors, which are common in manual processes, can cause inaccurate results.” By contrast, automated systems perform repetitive tasks with the precision of, well, a robot – ensuring each sample is processed the same way every time.

With the ability to prepare large volumes of samples quickly – traditionally a long process – companies can meet the demands of high-throughput environments such as mines or production facilities. By speeding up analysis, businesses can make faster, more informed decisions, reducing bottlenecks and optimizing production.

Automation also answers a human resources issue. “In remote areas like mining sites, it can be difficult to find skilled workers who are willing to relocate,” Nick explains. Automation helps fill this gap by performing tasks that would otherwise require a large, constantly available workforce. One example of this is the Gudai-Darri site in Australia, where the analysis of the extracted iron ore is performed by an automated lab.

Take full advantage of automation with tailor-made services

Rather than providing a one-size-fits-all system, Malvern Panalytical designs each automation system specifically for the customer’s needs. This tailored approach ensures that the automation system fits seamlessly into the existing workflow.

The process begins with understanding the client’s specific requirements – whether they’re working in mining, metals, research or any other sector. Malvern Panalytical’s experts then work closely with the client to design a system that meets these needs.

Despite its complexity, the value of automating sample preparation is especially high, Nick concludes. “You get to remove slow and laborious tasks from operators, so they can focus on more valuable tasks – all while improving the reliability of your analysis.”

Find out more about our automation services on our website – and if you’d like a more personalized discussion, feel free to contact Nick at