Exploring new and exciting applications for multi-detector UPLC

300x270-Polymers-Plastics-and-RubbersAlmost always, my favorite thing about working for a scientific technology company is getting to work on the latest technologies and learn about the applications available to them.  We’re fortunate enough to see the newest technology and play with the newest toys, pushing their limits and finding out what can be achieved.

In the GPC/SEC team, our latest development is the ability to connect our OMNISEC REVEAL multi-detector module to an ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) system like the Waters ACQUITY APCTM.  Connecting our multi-detectors to UPLC systems is something we have struggled with in the past because band-broadening, which happens as the sample moves from cell to cell in the detectors, was not good and the data quality was badly affected as a result.  However, our latest improvements in detector design have reduced this effect to the point where we can now get great data by combining the ACQUITY APC with OMNISEC REVEAL – a combination we refer to as multi-detector UPLC. Multi-detector UPLC offers the information-rich data provided by advanced multi-detection with the speed and resolution afforded by UPLC, so it is now possible to get the best of both worlds – faster and more detailed polymer analysis.

Of course, developing the technology means that we are first to get to explore these new capabilities and by collaborating with our friends at Waters, we are now developing a greater understanding of the application spaces for these new capabilities.

If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of combining UPLC with multi-detection, you can watch our recent webinar – “The best of both worlds”.

We’ve also been writing some application notes on specific polymer types that can be difficult to characterize fully with multi-detector GPC/SEC.  For example, in one study we looked at measuring the molecular weight of individual oligomers in a low molecular weight sample of polycaprolactone.  In the figure below, you can really see how we were able to separate out the individual oligomers and accurately measure them:

Blog 21790 Fig1

Another study looked at the degradation of drug delivery polymers after radiation sterilization.  The molecular weight decrease was incredible (about 65%!), and as shown on the chart below, it was possible to make those measurements in just a few minutes and with much lower solvent volumes than conventional GPC.

Blog 21790 Fig2If you’d like to learn more about those applications, please download the application notes.  More will be coming soon, so please check our website for future ones! If you would like to speak to one of our technical experts about what multi-detector UPLC can offer for your specific application then feel free to click Contact Sales button below and they will put you in touch with your local specialist.

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