Digging Deeper : following the analytical chain

Mining professionals and enthusiasts recently tuned into another engaging episode of Digging Deeper – diving straight into the heart of ores and excavation, this time guided by the topic of the analytical chain. We were joined this time by another expert trio: Uwe König, one of our mining industry experts, Chantal Audet, a specialist with vast experience in sample preparation for X-ray fluorescence, and Alexander Komelkov, a seasoned XRF application specialist of over 25 years’ experience.

Digging deeper event discussing about analytical chain

Step-by-step success

Chantal unpacked the analytical chain for us, explaining how every step in the process is important – from the first handful (or sample!) of material to the results we can trust, generated from an optimized process with high-quality analysis. In fact, if you want those trustworthy results, optimizing each previous step is crucial. And Uwe was quick to highlight the stakes. In mining, precision isn’t just ideal – it’s essential, because even small oversights can lead to sizable problems. Stopping the mining process can cost millions of dollars, so there really isn’t much room for error. If something goes wrong, you need to have accurate analytical data at your fingertips.

Sample preparation: separating the best from the rest

But accuracy in mining isn’t just about doing things right – it’s about efficiency, trust and, of course, the bottom line. Chantal dug into the links of the chain that might seem minor at first glance, but can cause major consequences when multiplied across tons of material. The biggest area for improvement? Sample preparation. Human error plays a big role here, yet decreasing the level of uncertainty in your analytical chain translates to cost savings for many different reasons. Quality is higher, with less impurities in mineral concentrates. Penalties are avoided, as is inefficient re-processing.

That’s where Alexander stepped into the spotlight, sharing insights on why fusion stands out as a high-quality method of sample preparation. He also introduced a promising addition to the miner’s toolkit: FORJ, Malvern Panalytical’s latest fusion instrument for sample preparation.

And in the spirit of continuous learning, Uwe connected the dots back to previous Digging Deeper discussions, a reminder that we’re always building on what we know. (Check out our net zero and automation recaps!)

Ahead of the analytical chain curve

Progress is fantastic, but it doesn’t come without its questions. Uwe opened the floor to concerns about mining’s digital shift, like data protection and the skills needed to make the most of new tech. The landscape is shifting rapidly, and it can feel challenging to keep up.

To give us some perspective, Alexander offered a flashback, comparing today’s practices with those from decades past. It’s clear: while challenges persist, we’re better equipped than ever to tackle them, and change has always been a constant in the mining industry.

Keep Digging Deeper with us

Thanks to all those who joined us for the session – and of course, thank you to our expert speakers for bridging the gap between innovation and experience in mining. We look forward to continuing the discussion next time!

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Further reads