Masterclass 1: Understanding laser diffraction particle size analysis

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00:00:00 Masterclass 1: Understanding laser diffraction particle size analysis
00:01:00 Masterclass 1: Understanding laser diffraction particle size analysis
00:01:27 The laser diffraction masterclass
00:02:44 Overview
00:04:10 Why do we measure particle size?
00:06:37 What do we mean by a particle?
00:07:41 How do we describe the size of these particles
00:08:23 How do we describe the size of these particles
00:08:37 How do we describe the size of these particles
00:08:57 How do we describe the size of these particles
00:09:11 How do we describe the size of these particles
00:09:53 The particle size distribution
00:10:19 The particle size distribution
00:11:08 Introduction to laser diffraction
00:11:21 The diffraction pattern
00:12:10 Dependence of diffraction pattern on particle size
00:13:35 How does the instrument work?
00:15:05 How does the instrument work?
00:16:40 The measured scattering data
00:17:53 How do we get the size distribution?
00:19:51 Reporting and interpreting the results
00:21:36 Measurement demos
00:21:49 Laser diffraction measurement process
00:23:15 Wet Measurement Demo
00:23:15 Dry Measurement Demo
00:23:15 Comparing results from different techniques
00:23:29 Comparing laser diffraction and sedimentation
00:24:17 Comparing laser diffraction and sedimentation
00:25:47 Comparing laser diffraction and sedimentation
00:26:29 Comparing laser diffraction and sieving
00:27:12 Additional information from automated imaging
00:28:17 Laser diffraction Applications
00:28:30 Particle size analysis of calcium carbonates
00:30:06 Particle size analysis of pigments
00:31:34 The effect of particle size on texture
00:32:36 Summary
00:33:29 Contact Information
This webinar will provide a general introduction to measuring particle size using laser diffraction. We will introduce the technique of laser diffraction as well as some basic principles of particle sizing. This will include an overview of the process of making a laser diffraction measurement, what data is recorded and how a particle size distribution is calculated. How these results compare to particle size results from other techniques will also be discussed, as well as a range of applications of laser diffraction particle sizing.