Speed vs. Detail: Dynamic light scattering (DLS) vs size exclusion chromatography (SEC)

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00:00:00 Speed vs. Detail: Dynamic light scattering (DLS) vs size exclusion chromatography (SEC)
00:01:25 Speed vs. Detail: Dynamic light scattering (DLS) vs size-exclusion chromatography (SEC)
00:02:19 Outline
00:03:03 Introduction to DLS and (multi-detector)-SEC
00:03:11 Dynamic Light Scattering
00:06:08 Size Data
00:09:28 Hardware for Analytical SEC
00:11:02 Multi-detector-SEC
00:14:14 So what?
00:14:34 What can DLS do?
00:14:55 Effect of Storage Conditions
00:19:14 Purity – Polydispersity
00:20:36 What can DLS do?
00:20:55 Protein stabilised by ligand binding
00:23:18 What can DLS do?
00:23:44 Protein Stability
00:27:09 What can DLS do?
00:27:32 Formulation
00:30:23 What can DLS do?
00:31:01 Limitations of DLS
00:32:41 What can SEC do?
00:32:50 Molecular weight measurements of BSA
00:35:25 Resolution
00:37:20 What can SEC do?
00:37:31 Quantification of antibody aggregates
00:39:36 What can SEC do?
00:39:51 Composition – Membrane proteins
00:41:36 Composition – Membrane proteins
00:44:02 PEGylated Protein
00:44:39 Conjugation analysis
00:45:39 What can SEC do?
00:45:56 Conformational changes
00:49:02 What can SEC do?
00:49:16 Limitations of SEC
00:50:53 Summary of DLS and SEC – pros and cons
00:52:15 Summary
00:52:48 So the real question is…..
00:52:59 So the real question is…..
00:53:07 Thanks for listening Any questions?
00:53:22 Contact details
This webinar gives examples of the complementary nature of dynamic light scattering for fast aggregate detection and size exclusion chromatography for the composition and molecular weight characterization of proteins