The sizing spectrum
I’ll believe it when I see it!
When we think about our perception of the world around us we are reliant on our senses. A common expression we use is “I’ll believe it when I see it”. This is an odd phrase as it suggests that there is only truth in what we can visibly see. However we have developed ways to be aware of the world which we can’t see.
We can extend our senses beyond what our eyes would ever be able to tell us. The sharpest eyes using the best ruler would barely be able to compare the size difference between two grains of sand. What’s fascinating is we can design instruments that can accurately measure the size of a photoreceptor protein within our eyes to help understand how vision works.
Measuring at the limits of the visual spectrum and beyond is quite an achievement. It stretches the imagination to think about just how small we can accurately detect the size of something. I like to think Malvern don’t just make sizing instruments but actually create tools which are an extension of the human senses.
The electromagnetic spectrum is a great way to visualize radiation in relation to the size of its wavelength and energy. Wavelengths above the visible region can be heard on the radio and wavelengths smaller than visible can be detected by our skin. We can no longer rely on the phrase “I’ll believe it when I see it”. It would be more sensible to say “I’ll believe it when I detect measure, visualize or find evidence of it”. Even then can we really believe that we have the technology or ability to sense everything?
To help you believe in the unseen and understand which solution fits best with the particle size range in your sample, we have designed this handy chart – click here, or on the image below to exlore our sizing spectrum. Just like the electromagnetic spectrum, this will hopefully allow you to easily see the size or sensory range of each technology. Just click on the technology to find out more.
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