Malvern Panalytical offers a range of analytical services, ranging from elemental, structural and morphological analysis to validation and qualification services. These services provide cost effective offerings for those tasks you either cannot or chose not to perform or to improve your internal processes.
XRF analysis services
Are you looking to outsource (part of) your elemental analysis of a selection of samples and materials?
Our facility in Nottingham, UK, is a center of excellence for X-ray fluorescence analysis, Certified Reference Material (CRM) and calibration standards development and production. The laboratory offers CRM production under ISO 17034:2016 accreditation and analytical services under ISO/IEC 17025:2017, accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for several standardized methods and offers additional customized methods under the same infrastructure and protocols.
Our offering includes:
Trace element analysis on pressed powder samples
- Typical sample type: solid geological and allied materials
- Method: WDXRF Pro-Trace, ISO 17025 accredited
- Elements covered: Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Nd, Sm, Yb, Hf, Ta, W, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th and U
- Lower quantification limits available: 1, 3 or 5 ppm
- Typical sample type: solid geological and allied materials
Analysis of major oxides using fusion
- Typical sample type: solid geological and allied materials
- Compounds covered: SiO2, TiO2, A12O3, Fe2O3, Mn3O4, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, SO3, F, Cl, V2O5, Cr2O3 NiO, CuO, ZnO, SrO, BaO, ZrO2, HfO2 and PbO
- Method: WROXI, ISO 17025 accredited
- LOI determination at 1050 °C or 1000 °C for sulfate-bearing materials ISO 17025 accredited
Screening analysis
- Typical sample type: loose powders, pressed powder pellets, fused glass beads, liquids or solids
- Method: standardless analysis using Omnian, not ISO accredited
- Elements covered: screening analysis of up to 75 elements
XRF method development service
Are you struggling to develop XRF analysis methods for your materials, due to highly unique sample characteristics like uncommon combinations of elements, concentrations or odd sample size and shape? In that case our XRF method development service can be of great value. Through this service we offer cost effective solutions through the development of bespoke calibration materials and methods, including sample preparation and onsite deployment if needed.
We develop tailored methods and if required implement it onsite. For many oxide-containing materials Malvern Panalytical can provide calibration standards by certifying your in-house materials; an attractive approach for generating pressed powder calibrations. In addition to pressed powders type calibrations, we can provide bespoke suites of synthetic calibration standards based on fusion, complete with analysis program ready for you to use. In case of specific sample size and shapes we can offer optimized sample preparation methods combined with the best analysis method.
Our experts at our centers of excellence across the globe are ready to support you. Close cooperation with key partners enables us to offer this service for a wide range of materials, including geological materials, minerals, metals, oils, fuels, polymers and biomass applications etc.
XRF sample certification services
Calibrating your XRF methods using Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) can be challenging and costly. The costs of CRMs can be high, and their availability limited. Often, many CRMs are needed to cover the required range. Moreover, when pressed powder analysis is required, mineralogical differences of CRMs compared to your process materials often compromises accuracy. In that case, generating calibration standards using your own materials can be an attractive option.
Malvern Panalytical offers a materials certification service for turning your process materials into materials for suitable for calibration, using analysis accredited test results (ISO/IEC 17025:2017) for the following materials:
- Rocks and minerals
- Environmental and related materials
- Sediments
- Soils according to the definition mentioned below (EU soils only)
- Sludges
- Cements and clinker
- Glasses
- Fly ash
- Gypsum and building materials
Materials that can potentially be analyzed but require further investigation with an Analytical Services Specialist are:
- Ore concentrates
- Materials containing higher amounts of sulfides (> 2 wt%)
- Materials containing elements in metallic form
XRF custom CRMs and calibration standards
Are you struggling to source CRMs or calibration standards that match your materials or cover your required analytical ranges? Malvern Panalytical can develop and produce custom/bespoke CRMs and calibration standards to match the exact chemical compositions and ranges that your needs require.
XRF sample preparation consultancy
Sample preparation is an important factor in the overall analytical precision and accuracy. While the XRF is easily capable to handle powders, pressed or loose, liquids, fused beads or even larger shaped irregular samples, choosing the right sample preparation technique starts with your requirements and materials. Malvern Panalytical can advise you which approach suits best given your material types and analytical requirements. Important aspects that will be considered are:
- The most efficient way of getting samples representative of your materials introduced into the instrument in the correct form and shape
- Understand and minimize the impact of critical factors like particle size effect, mineralogical effects, surface roughness, texture and sample thickness
- Procedures for optimizing sampling and preparation procedures given the available techniques and equipment
This sample preparation consultancy is aimed at helping you develop and optimize your sample preparation methods for many material types like metals, minerals, geological materials, oils, catalysts, chemicals and many more.
The consultancy will be tailored to your needs and focused on your process and analytical requirements.