See inside your additive manufacturing materials and components
… using X-ray analysis

X-rays have revolutionized the world we live in. Not just from a medical perspective but from a materials science perspective also. The short wavelength of X-rays compared with visible light, allow us to determine the position of atoms in materials and to image the internal structures of optically dense materials. We can use X-rays to determine the elemental composition of a material by analyzing the secondary radiation emitted following primary X-ray exposure.
These properties make X-ray analysis an important tool for studying metallic materials and their structures. They are used to:
- ensure an alloy has the correct elemental composition and atomic structure
- make sure that the grain size and grain size distribution are as expected
- detect defects in a component that could lead to premature failure.
With the rapid growth of metal powder-based Additive Manufacturing (AM) and the intricate structures and microstructures it can produce, X-ray analysis is likely to play an even bigger role in the future.
To give you an insight into the value of X-ray analysis for Metal AM we have teamed up with RX Solutions. Together, we organized a special two-hour in-depth virtual event specifically around this topic. This virtual event will feature three talks on X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray computed tomography – titles and abstracts below:
Metal AM: Using XRD to characterize the microstructure of parts and powders
Dr. Scott Speakman (Malvern Panalytical)
For metal fabrication processes such as casting, forging, and isostatic pressing, the heating-cooling regimes are more prolonged, controlled, and homogenous. But for powder bed AM processes such as SLM, EBM, and DED, the heating-cooling regimes are very fast and location-specific. This can lead to different microstructures than those obtained with conventional processes. XRD is the ideal tool for studying such process effects as it is a non-destructive analytical technique. It provides detailed information about microstructural characteristics such as phase composition, crystallite size, texture (crystallite orientation), and residual stress/strain. In this webinar, Dr. Scott Speakman (Malvern Panalytical) will discuss the importance of XRD for metal AM, including powder and component analysis.
Applications of multi-scale Micro-CT for AM
Roland Le Floc’h (RX Solutions)
With its unique capability to non-destructively explore materials in 3D, Computed Tomography (CT) is a key technology for AM processes. Not only to qualify high-value parts and identify internal defects but also to help characterize and optimize AM production. In this webinar, Roland Le Floc’h (RX Solutions) will provide an overview of the technology and present examples of typical applications for micro-CT in metal AM. You will discover how you can quantify internal porosities, perform metrological measurements of external and internal features, check for proper powder removal, optimize the production parameters, inspect lattice structures, characterize powder in 3D, and even re-process your CAD models to compensate for errors due to the manufacturing process.
Using XRF for the chemical analysis of metal powders used in AM
Dr. Timothy Glose / Dr. Violeta Uricanu
XRF is an analytical technique that can be used to determine the elemental composition of a wide variety of sample types. These sample types include solids, liquids, slurries and loose powders. It is a robust and versatile technique, combining high precision and accuracy with straightforward, fast sample preparation. It is widely used for the analysis of metals. In this webinar, Dr. Tim Glose and Dr. Violeta Uricanu (Malvern Panalytical) will give a brief overview of the fundamentals of XRF spectroscopy with an emphasis on its suitability to supplement or potentially replace ICP for the chemical analysis of typical metal powders. Data will be shared indicating the possibilities for the rapid analysis of Titanium 6-4 as both powder and printed parts.
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