Discover our Advanced Materials Characterization Toolbox!

Our handy toolbox brochure informs you for any materials challenge

Do you have childhood memories of picking out the gifts on your wishlist from a heavy catalog? Or perhaps using one of these catalogs to plan the gifts you’d be buying for your family? For many of us, these catalogs helped to make the stress of gift-giving a little easier, before the convenience of online shopping took over. And, with another festive season just behind us, this stress may well be fresh in your mind…

Not everyone will understand, but we know that planning your purchases of analytical instruments can be just as stressful. Even if you don’t need a new instrument right now, you probably still want to keep an eye on what’s out there, and to see how your methods compare to complementary ones in the same field. But with all the technical vocabulary floating around, it can be easy to lose track of what an instrument’s called, what technology it uses, or what it measures. Even for detail-loving geeks like us!

Introducing our brand-new Characterization Toolbox brochure

That’s where our Characterization Toolbox brochure comes in. We created this catalog of our advanced materials offering for all our customers working in related segments. The toolbox brochure contains handy information on the measurement, technology, applications, and features of each of our advanced materials products. All organized in an easy-to-read table, for quick reference!

Whether you already have your eye on one of our instruments, or are just interested in what we have to offer, the Characterization Toolbox brochure is here to be your guide. So, next time you find yourself asking, “I’ve heard of Spraytec – what does it do again?”, or “Which instruments make similar measurements to the Morphologi 4?”, or “What makes the Empyrean so special?” – all you’ll need to do is check the catalog!

The start of something new…

But the Characterization Toolbox isn’t just a simple set of products – because at Malvern Panalytical, we don’t sell products, we sell solutions. Every customer is unique, so we almost always adapt our products to your needs. Think: demonstrations using your samples, unique configurations just for you, or support to design experiments and procedures that support your characterization needs.

We hope that the Characterization Toolbox brochure will provide a starting point for these deeper discussions – so don’t hesitate to reach out to us if something catches your eye! The holiday season may be over, but there could still be many gifts to come in 2023…

Download your handy Characterization Toolbox brochure here!

And to find out more about our Advanced Materials solutions, why not follow our dedicated LinkedIn page?