Texture analysis is a critical parameter in the production of metals, like steel and aluminum, to control properties such as mechanical strength (e.g. in tool inserts) and formability.
In mineralogical and geological sciences, the deformation history of the Earth is investigated by measuring the texture of rocks. Analyzing orientation distribution can help to understand the formation process of the artifacts.
By tuning the growth conditions of thin films the desired properties can be optimized, for instance for hard disk drive materials or superconducting wires.
A peak in a diffractogram represents the intensity of a certain (hkl) reflection in a certain orientation.
By tilting and rotating the sample, mounted onto an x-ray diffractometer, the intensity distribution of a reflection over the orientation sphere - a pole figure - can be recorded.
When a set of pole figures for independent crystal orientations has been measured, the orientation distribution function (ODF) of the crystallites can be calculated.
Multipurpose X-ray diffractometers for your analytical needs
Malvern Panalytical provides a range of solutions for X-ray texture measurements and texture analysis.
The Empyrean system equipped with a Eulerian cradle is an ideal X-ray diffraction system for the materials scientist who wants to measure pole figures on samples of various shapes and sizes. Subsequent analysis of the measurements for evaluation, visualization and calculations of the orientation distribution function is performed with the help of the Texture analysis software package.
EmpyreanThe intelligent diffractometer |
X'Pert³ MRDVersatile research & development XRD system |
X'Pert³ MRD XLVersatile research, development & quality control XRD system |
Measurement type | |||
Texture analysis | |||
Technology | |||
X-ray Diffraction (XRD) |