Lentiviral vectors

Advanced biophysical characterization solutions for lentiviral vectors

Lentiviral vectors are powerful tools used to deliver genetic material into dividing and non-dividing cells, making them invaluable in the generation of cell therapies. By delivering their payload into the target cell, they enable the integration and continuous expression of therapeutic genes, which is essential for treating chronic diseases and genetic disorders.

Ensuring the quality of lentivirus vectors is crucial for the safety of these therapies. Characterization of lentivirus vectors involves measuring key parameters such as: size, titer and purity. Accurate measurement of these parameters reports on the stability of the lentivirus and minimizes potential risks.

Malvern Panalytical’s advanced analytical instruments provide quick and effortless sample purity and stability assessment of lentivirus vectors, providing detailed insights into their physical properties.

Key features of Zetasizer Advance Ultra for lentivirus vector characterization

Zetasizer Advance Range

Zetasizer Advance Range

Choose Zetasizer Ultra for lentivirus particle size, viral titer and zeta potential

The Zetasizer Advance Ultra employs dynamic light scattering (DLS) and multi-angle dynamic light scattering (MADLS) technologies. Its key features for lentivirus vector characterization are:

  • Size measurement: DLS measures the size of lentivirus particles based on the scattering of light as particles undergo Brownian motion. It provides rapid and accurate assessments of the average particle size and polydispersity.
  • Viral titer: MADLS enhances size measurement accuracy and can determine particle concentration, contributing to precise lentivirus titration calculations.
  • Zeta potential: Zetasizer Advance Ultra assesses the Zeta potential of viral vectors, indicating their surface charge and stability in suspension - vital for predicting shelf life and behavior in vivo.
  • High sensitivity: The Zetasizer Advance Ultra can detect a wide range of particle sizes with high sensitivity, making it suitable for various stages of lentivirus manufacturing and development.

Providing detailed information on particle size and stability, the Zetasizer Advance Ultra helps optimize lentivirus vector formulations to ensure consistent performance and accurately predict formulation stability.

NanoSight Pro for lentiviral vector characterization

NanoSight Pro

NanoSight Pro

Accurate size and titration analysis with NanoSight Pro

NanoSight Pro utilizes Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) technology, supported by advanced software, to characterize nanoparticles in liquid suspension. Its key features in lentiviral vector characterization include:

  • Size measurement: By tracking the Brownian motion of individual particles, NanoSight Pro accurately determines lentivirus size distribution. This detailed size analysis, coupled with direct visual confirmation, plays a crucial role in optimizing lentivirus formulation development and provides valuable insights into sample stability and purity.
  • Concentration measurement (titration): NanoSight Pro provides precise particle-by-particle counts of viral particles, allowing researchers to calculate the lentivirus concentration directly. This ensures robust production processes and consistent dosing in both research and therapeutic applications.
  • Aggregation detection: NanoSight Pro can visualize, identify and quantify aggregates of lentiviral particles. Aggregation can affect transduction efficiency and trigger immune responses, which is essential for quality control in lentivirus manufacturing.
  • Fluorescence capability: With fluorescence detection, the instrument can differentiate between labeled and unlabeled particles, enhancing specificity in complex samples. This is crucial for understanding how lentivirus vectors will interact with biological systems.

Offering real-time visualization and high resolution analysis, NanoSight Pro enables researchers to gain a comprehensive understanding of their lentivirus vector samples.

Benefits of using the NanoSight Pro and Zetasizer Advance Ultra

Combining the capabilities of the NanoSight Pro and Zetasizer Advance Ultra can offer a more comprehensive approach to lentivirus vector characterization:

[PN13720_NanoSightPro_Planar0017_AlMod.png] PN13720_NanoSightPro_Planar0017_AlMod.png
[ZSA_rest_position_v2_.png] ZSA_rest_position_v2_.png
FeatureNanoSight ProZetasizer Advance Ultra
MeasurementParticle size, viral titer, and polydispersityParticle size, viral titer, polydispersity and zeta potential
TechnologyNanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Multi-Angle DLS (MADLS)
Size range30-1000 nm<1 nm to 10 μm
Concentration RangeFrom 107 – 109 particles/mLFrom 108 – 1013 particles/mL
Size MeasurementProvides particle-by-particle size distribution with high-resolutionRapid and precise hydrodynamic diameter measurement
Polydispersity HandlingExcels with polydisperse samples and delivers immediate visual confirmationBest suited for monodisperse or slightly polydisperse samples
Zeta PotentialNot availableMeasures zeta potential for surface charge and stability assessment
Fluorescence CapabilityAvailable for differentiating labeled particles with specific characteristicsNot available
VisualizationReal-time visualization of particles and behaviorsNot available
Data OutputNumber-based size distributionsIntensity-weighted size distributions
Sample PreparationMinimal sample preparation, preserves integrityNon-destructive, minimal sample preparation required
Ideal ApplicationsDetailed analysis of polydisperse and dilute samplesRapid characterization of small, monodisperse nanoparticles

In some cases, the NanoSight Pro may be more suitable when detailed particle characterization is required, such as during the initial stages of lentivirus vector formulation development, when investigating aggregation issues or employing fluorescence to look at specific sample subpopulation. The Zetasizer Advance Ultra may be preferred for routine quality control, stability studies, and when zeta potential information is needed. 

By leveraging the strengths of both instruments, researchers can achieve a more thorough understanding of lentivirus vectors, leading to improved efficacy and safety in gene therapy applications.

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