Optimizing liposome & LNP production with multi-angle dynamic light scattering

On October 21, we’ll be teaming up with Ben Knappett from Dolomite Microfluidics to present the webinar Optimizing microfluidics: Liposome & LNP production”. So, today I have invited Ben to join me on Materials Talks to tell us more.

Hi Ben – can you tell us a little about Dolomite Microfluidics?

Dolomite Microfluidics develops cutting-edge microfluidic technology that can be used in areas such as drug and vaccine development. In recent years the company has been focusing on the use of microfluidics for the generation of high-performance nano- and microparticles. These materials have unique properties that mean they can be used as specialized tools in a wide range of applications, such as biomedicine, diagnostic imaging and industrial catalysis.

Our new Automated Nanoparticle (ANP) System was launched in March this year, and with this new system we wanted to solve two big problems in the production process of nanoparticles: automation, so manual human error is reduced, and precise, consistent control over experimental parameters, resulting in rapid process optimization.

Can you tell us more about your team’s work with liposomes and LNPs?

Our ANP System uses microfluidics methods to generate monodisperse nanoparticles, offering precise monodisperse particles, high levels of reproducibility, and a more efficient use of expensive reagents that leads to a reduction in costs.

Where does Malvern Panalytical come into your workflow?

We have been using the Zetasizer Ultra since 2018 to test our samples. Since then, we have significantly reduced the time it takes to amount of characterizing 5 nm – 500 μm particles. This means we have been able to streamline both our R&D and QC processes. It has also significantly reduced our analytical costs. Since adding the Zetasizer Ultra to our workflow, sample throughput has increased dramatically. We are now working with a development cycle of one month, as opposed to the 12 months we needed before using the Zetasizer.

What can people expect to learn in our upcoming webinar?

In this webinar, we’ll share our insights about the most important considerations when making liposomes and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) with microfluidics. We’ll show you:

– Malvern Panalytical’s analytical techniques can help characterize and monitor important LNP attributes
– How Dolomite Microfluidics’ automated microfluidic approach to synthesizing LNPs, including key parameters to achieve a reliable and consistent synthesis of LNPs?
– Why Dolomite Microfluidics uses the Zetasizer Ultra to streamline LNP optimization and screening?

About Ben

Ben Knappett is Head of Science and Applications at Dolomite Microfluidics. He has been working in the field of particle synthesis for over a decade, working across a wide range of sizes, structures, and materials. He and his team are currently working on systems for the automated generation of nanoparticles such as liposomes to enable rapid formulation development in applications such as gene therapy, oncological therapeutics and vaccine development.

Further reading