How many scientists at Malvern?

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Towards the end of the year, a review of the past seems a fitting blog theme.  For the Zetasizer this is particularly impressive, as we now have over 55,000 citations  for this technology in scientific journals. The next most cited Malvern system is the Mastersizer with over 25,000 publications. Other product lines, such as the Microcal ITC, MicroCal DSC, Viscotek GPC, Bohlin rheometry and Nanosight NTA technologies were cited almost 12k, 8k, 10k, 8k, 2.5k times respectively – bringing us to a total of more than 120,000 citations for Malvern technology.

Why do Malvern systems make it into so many scientific publications? 

The key reason is that our technology supports the research of our customers. A recent poll of our customer base told us that we provide:

  • Scientific integrity, reliable data, and robust systems
  • Thorough and knowledgeable support
  • The “gold standard” when compared to other measurement technologies

In essence, it all boils down to the fact that our technologies are:


Developed and created by scientists – for use in scientific research

A few years ago, I joined ResearchGate, which is a network for scientists and researchers. Since then, over 70 more Malvern scientists have signed up, and as of today a total of 78 members of ResearchGate work at Malvern Instruments. Considering that it’s still only a fraction of the people that designed and built the latest generations of Malvern measurement equipment, that is quite a number.   So the next time you’re  about to submit a publication which includes Malvern instrument data, think of the team here as your scientific back up – and those 120,000+ existing publications as your foundation.


If you have any questions, please email me at Thanks! While opinions expressed are generally those of the author, some parts may have been modified by our editorial team.