Think Beyond the Instrument: Achieving Comprehensive Analytical Success


Investing in an analytical instrument is a crucial decision that requires thoughtful consideration. While the instrument itself is a significant component, achieving your analytical goals often involves a comprehensive approach. At Malvern Panalytical, we understand the importance of looking beyond the instrument to ensure you achieve the results you need. This guide will walk you through essential elements to consider before making your purchase. 

Understanding Your Goals 

Before selecting an instrument, it’s essential to define your analytical objectives. What do you want to achieve? Whether your goal is to enhance process efficiency, ensure product quality, or comply with regulatory standards, having a clear objective will guide your decision-making process and ensure you select the right tools for the job.  

The Comprehensive Analytical Ecosystem  

Achieving precise and accurate analytical results under a specific workflow and regulation often requires more than just a single instrument. Here are the key components you need to consider: 

  1. (Certified) Reference Materials: 
    Reference materials (RMs) are essential for XRF analysis. High-quality and well-designed CRMs not only ensure accurate results but also cover a wide range of elements, minimizing the effort required to build and maintain calibrations.
  2. Sample Preparation:
    Proper sample preparation is crucial for accurate analysis. The method you choose—whether it’s grinding, weighing, dozing, or preparing pressed pellets and fused beads—can significantly impact your results. Consider the specific requirements of your materials and the analysis you intend to perform.
  3. Analyzers: 
    Choose an analyzer that aligns with your specific needs. Ensure the instrument can meet your throughput requirements, handle the types of samples you work with, be compatible with your LIMS and automation process, and provide precision and accuracy you require.
  4. Method Development and Validation:
    Developing and validating your methods can be a complex process that often benefits from intelligent software and expert support. To ensure confidence in your methods, consider partnering with a provider that offers method development services.
  5. Software Solutions:
    Advanced software solutions can help achieve various analytical goals with minimal learning and operational effort. They consistently ensure confidence in results and seamlessly connect to other digital programs for data analysis, reporting, instrument status monitoring, and automation. Look for software that offers all these capabilities and can be easily integrated into your lab to streamline your workflow.
  6. Partnering with the Right Provider:
    Selecting a provider that offers a comprehensive range of solutions can make a significant difference. Malvern Panalytical is uniquely suited to meet your needs, offering not only instruments but also CRMs (even bespoke ones prepared based on your specific requirements), sample preparation tools, method development and validation services, and automation  support. This integrated approach ensures you have everything you need to achieve your analytical goals.

Real-World Examples 

  • Case Study 1: A metals manufacturer used Malvern Panalytical’s comprehensive solutions to optimize their process control, leading to improved product quality and throughput time. 
  • Case Study 2: A pharmaceutical company partnered with Malvern Panalytical for method development and validation, ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory standards and reducing acid usage and waste.


Before buying an instrument, take a step back and consider the bigger picture. Define your goals, understand the comprehensive analytical ecosystem, and choose a provider that can offer end-to-end solutions. By doing so, you’ll be well-equipped to achieve the accurate and precise results, as well as efficient workflow you need.