The Importance of Zeta Potential in Water Treatment Process Control

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00:00:00 The Importance of Zeta Potential in Water Treatment Process Control
00:01:25 Introduction
00:03:34 Zeta Potential – Ft. Collins, 2002
00:06:28 Coagulation control in water treatment
00:07:49 Zeta potential is NOT streaming current
00:09:56 Untitled
00:13:58 Zeta Potential
00:16:04 Laser Doppler Electrophoresis
00:17:29 Zetasizer Electrophoretic Light Scattering
00:18:41 Untitled
00:19:36 Untitled
00:19:57 Zeta Potential /Turbidity / Size
00:22:27 Setting a Zeta Potential operating range
00:23:57 Zeta Optimization Helps to Control NOM & DOC
00:25:15 New Mexico Facility – FeCl3
00:26:22 New Mexico Facility – FeCl3
00:27:16 On-line Zetasizer Lab Blue
00:28:20 Evaluating coagulant impact
00:30:18 Responding to changing conditions, Ferric Sulfate
00:31:59 Detecting a process upset…
00:32:45 Wemlinger WPF, Aurora CO
00:34:30 Direct Filtration Plant
00:35:00 Lab Zeta vs. On-line Zeta
00:35:31 Lab Zeta vs. On-line Zeta
00:36:12 On-line data
00:38:21 On-line data
00:39:41 Zeta vs. SCM
00:41:29 Untitled
00:42:22 Untitled
00:44:13 Untitled
00:44:55 Untitled
00:45:36 Untitled
00:47:21 Thank you for your attentionAny questions?
00:52:20 Untitled
Control of the flocculation process and adjustment of coagulant dose during the course of water and waste water treatment is often a challenging step in the water treatment process. Zeta potential is a measure of the electrical potential between particles, and indicates the repulsive interaction between particles; a zero zeta potential means that the conditions for aggregation of contaminants are maximized. Monitoring zeta potential during the water treatment process allows for accurate and precise assessment of the charge neutralization process required for optimal coagulation of contaminants.

The benefits of using zeta potential measurement to determine water treatment-control strategies have been documented through case studies and will be reviewed. Results from both laboratory analyzers (Zetasizer Nano Z) and the on-line, automatic system (Zetasizer Lab Blue) will be discussed. Based on plant processing requirements, on-line real time monitoring is often preferred for water treatment optimization. On-line continuous process zeta potential monitoring benefits will be illustrated, by reporting on the experiences of a newly built hybrid facility, Tacoma Water, a utility in WA and Aurora Water a utility for Aurora Colorado as well as other water treatment facilities in the US and UK.