Optimizing Exosome and Extracellular Vesicle Measurements by NTA

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00:00:00 Welcome
00:01:46 Getting the most our of your EV NTA measurements:Simple methods for dilution, concentration, and sizing.
00:02:12 NTA for EVs Provides:
00:03:53 What I’ll share today
00:04:50 Optical Arrangement for NanoSight Instruments
00:05:43 Particles are Visualized, not imaged
00:05:43 Sizing: Stokes-Einstein
00:05:43 Scatter Phenomena: Raleigh Scattering
00:06:47 Sample Preparation
00:09:20 Dilution- Example of appropriate concentration
00:09:20 Dilution- Example of over concentration
00:09:20 Dilution- Example of under concentration
00:09:20 Takeaway on dilution and concentration
00:10:13 Within the appropriate dilution range, concentration is not related to the realized mode of the distribution.
00:12:49 Camera level and Detection Threshold
00:13:23 Choosing a camera level
00:14:38 Choosing the camera level
00:16:35 What is Detection Threshold (DT)
00:17:14 DT 1 and 2 are almost always too low
00:18:21 With DT 9 the noise tracking is eliminated
00:18:51 Detection Threshold
00:20:31 Experimental Design considerations
00:21:32 Discussion
00:43:21 Contact Details

In this webinar we discuss techniques for producing high quality size distribution and concentration measurements for extracellular vesicle preparations with NanoSight. For characterizing the size and concentration of EVs the focus will be on understanding sources of background particles, proper dilution methods, and design of experiments. The influence of camera and detection settings on the results will be discussed in detail, with particular attention to understanding the impact on your EV measurements. This webinar will leave a user feeling comfortable with measurement of EV samples using NanoSight equipment.