Live demo of a novel method for protein zeta potential measurement

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00:00:00 Live demo of a novel method for protein zeta potential measurement
00:01:46 Live demo of a novel method for protein zeta potential measurement
00:02:49 Why protein charge measurement?
00:03:58 Protein Charge
00:05:19 Zeta Potential
00:06:11 Calculating Protein Charge
00:08:10 Calculating Protein Charge – Methodology
00:09:02 pH Effects
00:09:53 Electrophoretic Light Scattering (ELS)
00:10:53 Electrical considerations
00:11:38 Volume considerations
00:12:02 Invasive??
00:13:56 What happened?
00:15:03 What can be done?
00:15:33 Isolated protein
00:16:30 Diffusion Barrier Video v2
00:16:30 Video demonstration
00:16:49 Discarding The Rules
00:18:19 Example Diffusion Barrier ELS Results
00:18:48 One more pitfall
00:20:26 Best practices
00:22:34 Acknowledgements
00:22:48 Questions?
00:23:05 Contact Information
A novel method of measuring the charge of proteins has been developed for the Zetasizer Nano that avoids denaturation, called the diffusion barrier technique. Examples are given and the strengths and limitations of the technique discussed