00:00:00 | Zeta Potential Quality Report for the Zetasizer Nano |
00:01:04 | Zeta Potential Quality Report for the Zetasizer Nano |
00:01:17 | Contents |
00:01:57 | Data Interpretation |
00:02:06 | Data Interpretation |
00:02:50 | Data Interpretation |
00:05:23 | Zeta Potential Quality Report |
00:06:39 | Zeta Quality Report |
00:07:26 | Zeta Quality Report |
00:13:40 | Phase Plots |
00:15:29 | Phase Plot: Good Quality General Purpose |
00:17:00 | Phase Plots: Poor Quality General Purpose |
00:17:45 | Phase Plot: Good Quality Monomodal |
00:18:22 | Phase Plot: Poor Quality Monomodal |
00:19:03 | Zeta Quality Report |
00:20:01 | Frequency Plots |
00:20:35 | Frequency Plots: Good Data |
00:21:04 | Frequency Plots: Poor Data |
00:22:03 | Frequency Plot: Monomodal |
00:22:26 | Zeta Quality Report |
00:24:22 | Zeta Potential Distribution Limits |
00:25:09 | Zeta Potential Distribution Limits |
00:26:20 | Zeta Potential Distribution Limits |
00:27:01 | Zeta Potential Distribution Limits |
00:27:21 | Zeta Quality Report |
00:29:05 | Zeta Quality Report |
00:31:47 | Zeta Quality Report |
00:34:22 | Attenuator Position 11 |
00:36:03 | Conclusions |
00:37:02 | More information |
00:37:31 | Contact information |
The Zetasizer Nano software includes a quality report of the data from zeta potential measurements to help with data interpretation. The presentation uses examples of warning messages and suggestions of how to improve the data