Micro X-ray diffraction

X-ray diffraction on a very small scale

Micro-diffraction (also known as X-ray microdiffraction, micro X-ray diffraction or µXRD) analysis, uses a very narrow beam to carry out highly localized X-ray diffraction measurements of a very small area. This can be achieved using dedicated incident beam collimators that reduce the emitted X-rays. 

Using a mono-capillary, it is possible to produce an incident X-ray beam with a diameter of about 50 µm. 

The micro-diffraction technique is generally used with either a small or non-homogenous sample with varying composition, lattice strain or preferred orientation of the crystallites.

Insightful characterization from microstructural examinations

Micro-diffraction can be applied to many diffraction investigations including the characterization of: small spots on samples with strong gradients in composition, e.g. contaminations, inclusions, mineralogical samples, forensic samples, tiny cross-sections from ancient paintings, archeological samples, worked pieces of metallurgical interest, tool inserts, and patterned wafers.

Malvern Panalytical solutions for micro-diffraction

Empyrean range

Empyrean range

Multipurpose X-ray diffractometers for your analytical needs

Micro-diffraction application measurements can be performed with the Empyrean platform equipped with a PreFIX module capable of generating a pencil beam (e.g. mono-capillary or double-crossed slits) on the incident beam path, and a high magnification video camera to visualize and position the sample in the X-ray beam. 

Using our hybrid pixel detectors, it is possible to collect 2D diffraction patterns that give direct insight into the phase composition in a non-homogeneous sample.

Empyrean range

Empyrean range

Multipurpose X-ray diffractometers for your analytical needs

X-ray Diffraction (XRD)