Out-of-this-world solutions for every step of steelmaking

Meet the ultimate analytical instruments for greener, cleaner steel production

Foundry cast iron in steelmaking site

Have you ever wondered how a spacecraft gets where it’s going? Then maybe you’ll be surprised to learn that much of the work required to get it to its final destination is done before lift-off! By plotting out a safe path and taking into account the gravitational forces on the way, a spacecraft is carefully ‘aimed’ during its launch, to make sure it reaches its target.

And if it goes off course? Well, that’s when ground control helps the spacecraft to ‘course correct’, adjusting its direction and setting it back on the right path. In fact, it’s those tiny adjustments – those regular and continual course corrections – that ensure astronauts arrive safely at their destination.

How course correction can create significant savings

And the idea behind course correction applies in many other industries too! In steelmaking, for example, frequent monitoring is crucial throughout – both at the initial stages to optimize raw material quality, and during downstream processing.

By using ores with the maximum value and processing them with the lowest possible fuel and energy use, steelmakers can deliver significant cost, time, and energy savings. These savings are more important than ever today, with manufacturers under pressure to improve their environmental impact and move toward CO2-free steel.

The value of material monitoring

So, what is it that makes this close monitoring possible? Answer: materials analysis. By providing in-depth information about mineralogy, elemental composition, particle shape and size, and density, materials characterization helps steel manufacturers to predict and optimize their materials’ behavior at all process stages. In this way, steel manufacturers can minimize the use of energy and reagents, prevent hazardous materials from reaching the environment, and recycle more of your rejected materials.

Smart solutions for every stage of steelmaking

At Malvern Panalytical, we provide a range of advanced solutions to optimize every stage of steel making production. To begin with, Malvern Panalytical high-throughput neutron-based CNA analyzers are ideal for monitoring elemental composition in the materials and mixtures that enter the sinter plant. Plus, XRD and XRF solutions like Aeris Metals and Zetium Metals can help you analyze elemental and phase composition in the iron sinter itself. In this way, you can avoid time-consuming, expensive wet tests.

Together with our real-time Insitec particle sizer, these solutions can also support you in the pelletizing stage. You can use them to predict conditions like compressive strength more easily –  and achieve high-quality iron ore pellets. And, with a range of on-line, conveyor-belt, and lab-based solutions, we’ve made this analysis easier than ever.

But it doesn’t stop there: when it comes to direct reduction of iron (DRI), our solutions can also be used to analyze metallic iron and carbon content, metallization, and more. With Aeris, Zetium, and our automated process control solutions, you can gain all this information in just minutes.

And we’re here until the end, with several solutions for the casting stage of steel production, as well as for analyzing your final steel alloys. From XRF and XRD to calibration and automation, these solutions help you to analyze your steel’s chemical composition and microstructure rapidly and accurately. For instance, our Empyrean platform combines phase analysis, stress and texture measurements, and mapping in one instrument, to help you meet this tough set of demands.

So, if you’re ready to embrace a more sustainable future for steel, get in touch to see how Malvern Panalytical solutions can help you do it. We’re sure you’ll be over the moon with the results!

To find out more about our steelmaking solutions, please visit our dedicated web pages or get in touch with us.

Further reading