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Zetasizer Nano Z

The much acclaimed Zetasizer Nano range ended sale in November 2020, and Malvern Panalytical will continue to provide our customers with aftercare support for the Zetasizer Nano product family for up to seven years from the end of sale.

Malvern Panalytical continue to offer Dynamic Light Scattering and Zeta Potential measurement systems and further strengthen our leadership in scientific instrumentation with the Zetasizer Nano’s successor, the new Zetasizer Advance range.

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User manuals

Software downloads

25 October 2021


  • 21 CFR Part 11 update
  • Note: a NEW 21CFR11 key will be required to enable and run this software - please contact Malvern Panalytical

08 October 2020


  • 21 CFR Part 11 update
  • Note: a NEW 21CFR11 key will be required to enable and run this software - please contact Malvern Panalytical

06 August 2020


  • 21 CFR Part 11 update
  • Note: a NEW 21CFR11 key will be required to enable and run this software - please contact Malvern Panalytical

22 August 2018


  • Maintenance update

07 December 2016


  • Maintenance update

25 September 2014


  • Microrheology measurement Enhancements.
  • Static light scattering measurement macro.
  • Zetasizer Nano Helix cells capability.

16 April 2014


  • Zetasizer NanoSampler Functionality. The Zetasizer NanoSampler is a versatile, compact sample management autosampler that makes highly precise and reproducible injections of samples into your Zetasizer Nano. This release of software facilitates the control of the Nanosampler through the use of the SOP Player controls. Operation requires the use of a feature key.

06 February 2014


  • Maintenance update

07 March 2018


  • Double clicking on a DTS measurement file now launches the Zetasizer Software and displays the clicked on file
  • It is no longer possible to delete the child record of a measurement collection without also deleting its parent and all of its siblings
  • The plate scheduler now verifies SOPs before running a plate rather than waiting until the plate reaches the specified well and determining that the SOP is invalid
  • When a SOP fails to export a report at the end of the measurement, the user is now informed where the Software was trying to save the report to
  • The cell types listed in the Nano count rate form have now been made consistent with the currently available list of cells
  • The High Concentration Zeta Cell is now visible on a ZS90 instrument
  • Molecular Weight measurement on Zetasizer µV’s fixed for when optional DLS size measurement selected

07 March 2018


  • Firmware update for Zetasizer APS and Zetasizer µV
  • New DTS1070 Cell
  • Further Improvements to the Flow Mode edit result facility
  • Cell Selection enhancements
  • Saving to USB Drives
  • Various bug fixes from v7.01

07 March 2018


  • Introduction of Zetasizer Nano ZSP functionality
  • Introduction of new Protein mobility measurement type
  • Introduction of new Microrheology measurement type
  • Protein utilities renamed and extended
  • Zetasizer APS 'Colour by Quality' feature added to plate navigator
  • Updated Aggregation point analysis
  • Improvements to existing features

07 March 2018


  • Maintenance Issue

07 March 2018


  • Maintenance update

20 March 2011


  • Maintenance update

07 March 2018


  • Support for new high concentration cell added

07 March 2018


  • Support Added for Zetasizer APS and Zetasizer µV
  • Off-line Instrument selection

07 March 2018


  • Aggregation Monitor Mode
  • Flow Mode
  • SOP Player

07 March 2018


  • Maintenance release

20 February 2006


  • Support for clear capillary cell added
  • Maintenance update

20 May 2005


  • Ability to monitor count rate without starting measurement
  • Ability to edit multiple results
  • Titration Tutorial added
  • Ability for display of % over/under added to Zeta Potential Statistics graph
  • Ability to do CMC titrations

20 July 2004


  • Addition of protein software, including a solvent builder and protein utilities
  • Support for research software (Requires a one time purchase of a ‘feature key’)
  • New MPT-2 autotitrator functionality, including additive/conductivity titrations and size, zeta potential and intensity at each point, and pre-scan function to shorten titration times
  • The record view headings have been shortened to allow more parameters to be displayed
  • The example results have been updated
  • Measurements of zeta potential using monomodal and general purpose are now consistent
  • The peak in the result at the modulator frequency due to flare is now removed from the data
  • Addition of a range of new reports
  • The record view can now be printed using the ‘file’, ‘print’ menu
  • An error in the zeta potential monomodal analysis has been corrected
  • Advice and Help added on all new features

07 March 2018


  • The system will now operate correctly with MPT-2 when connected to the Nano-Z and Nano-S
  • The 'Instrument not responding' error when connected to a network or when running other programs is corrected
  • Editing of existing SOP files works correctly in 21 CFR Part 11 mode

07 March 2018


  • The system will now operate correctly with MPT-2 when connected to the Nano-Z and Nano-S
  • The 'Instrument not responding' error when connected to a network or when running other programs is corrected
  • Editing of existing SOP files works correctly in 21 CFR Part 11 mode

07 March 2018


  • Ability to run a size versus pH titration added
  • Support for Low-volume quartz cuvette (minimum sample volume 12 microliters added)
  • New Dip Cell SOP with seven minute delay added to allow equilibrium after cleaning
  • Ability to run a temperature trend from high to low temperature added
  • Result records can now be viewed during a measurement
  • Improvements to titrator measuremt process to further reduce measurement time
  • Support for sample filter use with titrator added

07 March 2018


  • Correlation function second intercept value appears in dictionary
  • Ability to enter cell voltages manually
  • SOP Editor report pages in alphabetical order
  • Improved Help files
  • Batch Print available of record view menu
  • Electrophoretic mobility (M) visible in zeta workspace
  • Crystal Screening report added
  • Ability to manually enter Mark-Houwinck values into a size record added
  • Phase Plot displayed as default in measurement window
  • Latex SOPs supplied as standard
  • Macromedia flash installed as default
  • Malvern Zeta standard diagnostic report added

05 June 2018


Zetasizer Driver for Windows 10 software update v10.00
  • Zetasizer Driver for Windows 10


A range of accessories are available to make life easier, or to add capability to the system



Simplify pH, conductivity and additive titrations on your Zetasizer Nano

A cost effective accessory designed to automate the measurement of size and zeta potential as a function of pH, conductivity or any soluble additive.

SV-10 viscometer

Viscosity measurement with speed, simplicity and accuracy.

The SV-10 measures viscosity with the accuracy required for dynamic light scattering, for the conversion of diffusion speed to size, and electrophoretic mobility to zeta potential, in an extremely simple and rapid system.

Cell and cuvette options

Disposable folded capillary cell (DTS1070)

Eliminate sample cross contamination between zeta potential measurements using a completely disposable cell.

The zeta potential of colloids and molecules is extremely sensitive to contamination from components of a previous sample used in a measurement cell. The use of a disposable cell completely eliminates this potential contamination issue.

The folded capillary cell provides the benefits of the accuracy of measurement of a capillary cell with the ease of use of a disposable cell.

Although, disposable, including the electrodes, for low conductivity samples each cell can be used for hundreds of measurements if required.

The cell can be used with the autotitrator, where multiple measurements are routinely done over a wide pH range.

Universal 'dip' cell kit

Reusable solvent resistant cell.

The dip cell is used for the measurement of zeta potential of samples in aqueous and non-aqueous dispersants, and is designed to be cleaned and reused. It is for batch measurements using standard polystyrene or glass cuvettes.

High concentration zeta potential cell kit

Save time and effort by measuring zeta potential with little or no dilution.

The high concentration cell enables the measurement of the zeta potential of samples with little or no dilution in any Zetasizer Advance system that measures zeta potential.

The cell has a flow configuration so can be used for stop-flow size and zeta potential measurements using an MPT-3 autotitrator as well as batch measurements.

Surface zeta potential accessory

Extend the application of the Zetasizer Nano to measure the zeta potential of material surfaces.

The characterization of surfaces and interfaces is critical in a wide range of industries including consumer products, specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals and life sciences. In each of these application areas, the interaction of molecules and particles with surfaces can influence the material properties of the end product.

The surface zeta potential accessory enables the measurement of the zeta potential of flat surfaces such as filter paper, silica, polymers and bone, using a standard Zetasizer Nano system.

Quartz flow cell (ZEN0023)

Quartz flow cell (ZEN0023)

Add flow capability for size measurements to the Zetasizer.

  • Measure size and intensity with MPT-2 autotitrator.
  • Connect to an SEC system to use as a DLS detector.
12mm Glass cell (PCS1115)

12mm Glass cell (PCS1115)

Glass cuvette for use with the dip cell.

  • For size and zeta potential measurements using the ‘dip’ cell
  • Compatible with aqueous and non-aqueous solvents and dispersants

Factory fitted options

Degasser for MPT-2 autotitrator

Degasser for MPT-2 autotitrator

Titrants used by the MPT-2 titrator need regular degassing, ideally before each titration.

Degassing is required to remove bubbles that can affect the volume of titrant dispensed. This is particularly important close to pH 7 where low volumes of titrant are required.

The degasser is a highly recommended ‘Fit and forget’ accessory that continuously degasses titrants which improves the speed of titrations and the accuracy of reaching the target pH. This gives more evenly spaced pH points.

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Support contract options

Protect your investment and ensure optimized performance at all times with Malvern Panalytical's service plans.

When you purchase a Malvern Panalytical product we understand that this is just the first stage of a working relationship that will last for the lifetime of the instrument. Depending on your needs, Malvern Panalytical will provide the support for your business.

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  • User training events
  • E-learning

Software downloads

Malvern Panalytical's service options- choose the right plan for you:


Malvern Panalytical Platinum Plan

For laboratories where maximizing instrument up-time is critical to its daily performance. Our highest level of response and the 'all inclusive' price plan takes care of those unexpected repair bills should the unfortunate occur.


Malvern Panalytical Gold Plan

Enhance your laboratory productivity by maintaining instrument efficiency. Still receive that priority response, combined with specialist technical and software support, we'll keep your instrument performance on track to deliver.


Malvern Panalytical Bronze Visit

For laboratories looking to optimize instrument performance, regular preventative maintenance is essential.

Platinum PlanGold PlanBronze Visit
Annual PM/PV Test
Telephone / Email Support
Priority Response
Emergency Breakdown visits*
Parts Included
Technical & Software Support
IQ/OQ (Pharma)***

*including labour & travel costs** Platinum 2 places per contract term, Gold 1 place per contract term***available at an additional cost

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