Epsilon Xline

In-line control for continuous roll-to-roll processes

Epsilon Xline combines our advanced energy dispersive XRF (EDXRF) technology with in-line functionality. This advanced solution enables real-time materials monitoring and process control in roll-to-roll (R2R) coating processes. Direct analysis allows continuous optimization of material composition and loading, helping to minimize off-specification production and maximize cost-efficiency. The adaptable Epsilon Xline can deliver precise and accurate process control across a wide range of surfaces and elements.  

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  • Non-destructive in-line process control – no sampling required
  • Range of scanning modes to accommodate patch continuously, and multi-lane coating processes
  • Easy to integrate into production processes with standard communication protocols 
  • Able to measure all valuable elements of interest, including platinum and cerium 
  • Capable of measuring thin layers with excellent precision
  • Accommodates a range of roll widths
  • Unique patented robotic arm that provides optimal distance control by hovering the measurement head over the production line in all directions

Facing the challenges of fuel cell production

With platinum catalysts accounting for more than 20% of your overall fuel cell costs, optimizing catalyst coating through uniform dispersion and consistent layering is essential. And fast, accurate process monitoring is the ideal solution! The Epsilon Xline makes efficient operational control easy, helping you to:  

  • Minimize your off-specification production  
  • Save valuable platinum from being wasted  
  • Produce cost-competitive end-products 
Facing the challenges of fuel cell production


  • Full in-line automation . Enjoy continuous R2R production thanks to the Epsilon Xline’s seamless integration capabilities, suitable for a range of thin-film and coating applications. 
  • Simple and safe . The Epsilon Xline is fully X-ray safe and easy to use, unlike handheld or legacy instruments, and delivers highly accurate analytical data. 
  • A lifetime of experience . Drawing on Malvern Panalytical’s more than 70 years’ experience in elemental analysis , the Epsilon Xline was developed in collaboration with our industry partners to meet their needs of today – and at the same time looking to the industry’s future together. 
  • Maximized yield . Achieve cost-competitive production with real-time monitoring and no disruption – giving you the direct insights and control you need to get the most out of your operations. 
  • Optimum materials efficiency . Eliminate inconsistencies, avoid wasting precious materials, and ensure a high-quality product with our industry-standard solution. 
  • Proven, patented accuracy . Developed and tested with customers, the Epsilon Xline features patented height-correction technology that ensures stable analysis for accurate results. 

Proven technology

Elemental analysis within your process

X-ray fluorescence  (XRF) is a non-destructive elemental analysis technology that enables in-line monitoring during the coating processes of catalytic membranes – without the need to take samples and without chemical or physical changes.  

The resulting real-time in-line analysis enables the rapid optimization of many process parameters and product properties. 

Elemental analysis within your process

Highly repeatable and accurate measurements with low maintenance

The proven and robust technology used in the Epsilon Xline and throughout our series of Epsilon instruments is powered by the latest advances in excitation and detection technology. A well-designed optical path, a wide range of excitation capabilities for light and heavier elements, and a fast high-resolution SDD detector system contribute to the power of the Epsilon Xline. These innovations result in highly repeatable and accurate results with low maintenance. 

Highly repeatable and accurate measurements with low maintenance


Sample handling
Sample type Coating line
Coating types Continuous, lanes, patches
Line speed continues coating Maximum 30 m/min
Line speed patch coating Maximum 11 m/min
X-ray tube
Type Metal-ceramic, side-window
Anode material Ag
Tube Setting Software controlled, applicable voltages 4 - 50 kV, max. 3 mA, max. tube power 15 W
Tube filters Six, software selectable (Cu 300 µm; Cu 500 µm; Al 50 µm; Al 200 µm; Ti 7 µm; Ag 100 µm
Window thickness 50 µm (Be)
Type High-resolution Si drift detector SDD10
Window 8 µm (Be)
Resolution < 145 eV @ 5.9 keV/1000 cps
Typically 135 eV @ 5.9 keV/1000 cps
Safety Standards
Radiation < 1 µSv/h at 10 cm of the outside surface

Built-in connectivity

Integrate the Epsilon Xline into your production lines seamlessly with built-in OPC connectivity. The dedicated software package included makes it simple to set up your Epsilon Xline for different materials and measurement modes. By entering commands directly into the instrument – or via a remote console – the easy-to-use interface displays an overview of complete tracking data.  

Epsilon software

Analytical EDXRF software package for Epsilon systems. Daily XRF analysis can be easily carried out by inexperienced personnel after minimum instruction.

Epsilon software

Stratos software

Determination of composition and thickness of coatings and multi-layers, enabling simultaneous determination of chemical composition and thickness of layered materials.

Stratos software


We’re here to help.

At Malvern Panalytical, you don’t just invest in an instrument, you invest in years of high-quality customer service and a lifetime of equipment support. Our service engineers and global customer support network is always on standby with a range of expert advice and support – so don’t hesitate to reach out whenever you need us! 

In-line control made simple.

In-line control made simple.

Advanced elemental analysis for in-line on-product inspection. Making continuous, reliable monitoring easy.

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