Particle size analyzers

The world’s leading particle size analyzer

Malvern Panalytical is the world’s leading supplier of particle size analyzers. Our systems enable our customers to maximize productivity and develop better products faster. The control and understanding of particle size and size distribution are key to understanding both physical and chemical properties.

Measuring particle size distributions and understanding how they affect your products and processes can be critical to the success of many manufacturing businesses.

  • 19/20 of the world’s leading Universities use Malvern Panalytical particle size analyzers
  • 19/20 of the world’s largest chemical companies use Malvern Panalytical particle size analyzers
  • All the top 20 pharmaceutical companies use Malvern Panalytical particle size analyzers

Why is understanding particle size important?

Particle size and size distribution have a direct influence on material properties, which impacts a wide range of industries and products.

Reaction rate

For solids, the surface area of the particle is critical in determining the rate of a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions are far more likely to occur in fine particles. A great example of an industry reliant on this principle is the cement industry, which must deliver the appropriate reaction rate to achieve a product with the desired strength.

Dissolution rate

By creating finer particles - and therefore increasing surface area - the physical barriers to dissolution are reduced, making the process occur much more quickly. Finer particles are more likely to dissolve faster. This is extremely important for the pharmaceutical industry as the speed of dissolution has a direct impact on bioavailability and, therefore, the effectiveness of the drug.

Packing density

The efficiency with which particles pack together is crucial to many industries. As a rule, large particles are going to pack more poorly than small particles. By decreasing the particle size, packing density is improved and void-age (unoccupied volume) is reduced. This is particularly important in the production of metals and ceramics through mold filling, as unoccupied volume can create a significantly flawed product.

Product Appearance

The principle that particles scatter light in different ways depending on their size is exploited in the manufacture of paints, inks, toners and other surface coatings. These industries must achieve desirable light scattering effects to define parameters such as hue, tint, transparency and gloss.


Suspension “stability” is most easily achieved by avoidance of sedimentation (the tendency of particles in suspension to settle out of the fluid). To ensure stability, the gravitational pull exerted on particles must be balanced with the “up-thrust” of the fluid. Unstable suspensions can wreak havoc in many industries where consistency is essential to product perception.


The size of particles has a direct correlation with a customer’s perception of a product and, therefore, the reputation of a company. This is particularly true in the case of food products in which particle size can impact the enjoyment of the product. For example, coffee - where particle size affects the flavors released in the brewing process - and chocolate - where the size affects the taste and mouth feel of the final product.

Our Particle Size Analyzers

Malvern Panalytical produces world-leading instrumentation for all types of particle size analysis and characterization from sub-nanometer to millimeters in particle size.

We offer a variety of particle size analyzers to meet your application requirements covering particle size measurement for both wet and dry samples. These systems are used worldwide in all industries for both product development, production and quality control, as well as in R&D.

Our range of particle size analyzers use different measuring principles and cover a size range from 0.3 nm to >3 mm. 

Mastersizer range

Setting the standard for delivering rapid, accurate particle size distributions for both wet and dry dispersions.

Mastersizer range

Zetasizer Advance Range

The Zetasizer Advance is the successor to the highly successful and market-leading Zetasizer Nano.

Zetasizer Advance Range


Measuring spray and droplet particle size distributions in real-time for more efficient product development.


NanoSight range

Best in class technology for simple and rapid NTA solution for nano- and biomaterials characterization.

NanoSight range

Insitec range

Delivering online continuous particle size analysis needed for efficient, cost-effective monitoring.

Insitec range
Mastersizer range

Mastersizer range

The smartest way to measure particle size

Morphologi range

Morphologi range

Automated imaging for advanced particle characterization



Spray particle and spray droplet size measurement

Zetasizer Advance Range

Zetasizer Advance Range

Light Scattering for every application

NanoSight range

NanoSight range

Visually track size and count nanoparticles

Insitec range

Insitec range

Robust, reliable, real-time particle sizing

Particle size range 0.01µm - 3500µm 0.5µm - 1300µm 0.1µm - 2000µm 0.3nm - 15µm 0.01µm - 1µm 0.1µm - 2500µm
Technology Laser diffraction Image analysis Laser diffraction Dynamic light scattering Nanoparticle tracking analysis Laser diffraction