Riddle me this…

Q: What’s the connection between scientific meetings and buses?

A: You seem to wait forever for one, and then they all arrive at the same time.

I know: not exactly worthy of a stand-up routine, but isn’t it true?

London Buses

It does seem as if conference season is well and truly underway now, with a real glut of meetings over the coming weeks (and actually, the coming months, as well!).  We at Malvern love being on our travels, second only to meeting with and chatting to our customers – and if we can include a little showing off of our technologies, then all the better!  And there is certainly more than enough opportunity to do all of the above in March and April this year.

Within the world of proteins and biopharmaceuticals, for example, we have a truly hectic schedule ahead of us.  We’re starting out on March 24th – 28th at the Fifth Annual Biotherapeutics Analytical Summit in Baltimore, Maryland, where we’ll be presenting a poster entitled “Emerging techniques for therapeutic protein characterization” and an oral presentation on “Improved understanding of association between protein colloidal and conformational stability with combined DLS/Raman”.   Both of these presentations will center on Malvern’s soon-to-be-launched dynamic light scattering/Raman spectroscopy hybrid, the Zetasizer Nano ZS Helix (if you haven’t heard about this yet, please hop on over to view Professor John Carpenter’s recent webinar on this exciting new technology!).  We then head over to beautiful Lisbon, Portugal, for the 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, from March 31st – April 3rd, where we’ll be presenting  a new poster on the ZS Helix.

At the same time as the Lisbon meeting (don’t worry – we have managed to clone ourselves!), we will also be in exotic Shanghai for the inaugural PEGS China meeting from April 1st – 3rd.  We are really excited about this conference, for which Malvern are Premier Sponsors, as it is the first time that one of the brilliant PEGS meetings has been held outside the US and Europe, and we are expecting great things for the biopharmaceutical industry in this swiftly-moving part of the world.  We’ll be joining the action with an oral presentation on “Emerging technologies for therapeutic protein characterization – viscosity, stability and sub-visible particles”.  Our whirlwind tour will finish at the end of April at the Strategic Protein Formulation and Drug Delivery Conference in sunny Barcelona, Spain, which runs from April 28th– 30th.

And then maybe we’ll just have time to catch our breath before the next rush of meetings in May, beginning with PEGS Summit in Boston…..Phew!

If you’re planning to come along to any of these conferences, please drop us a line or give us a call.  We’ll be absolutely delighted to see some friendly and familiar faces, wherever in the world you are!

Additional Resources:

Watch a recording of Professor John Carpenter’s webinar discussing DLS/Raman

Download our recent whitepaper “Developing a Bioformulation Stability Profile”